Fumble mechanic rant

For me this is the most rage inducing feature this game has to offer. I can understand incetivizing class based equipments through fumble or having it linked to low willpower but the fact that my heavy keeps failling her jump jet skill really pisses me off. I thought one of the main goals of PP was to minimize frustrating RNG mechanics.

I guess i won’t be able to play the heavy as intended until i unlock the jetpack proficiency perk.
Some people have suggested just ignoring the jump jets and stacking speed but this seems like a waste considering the heavy already has this unique skill as a gap closer. I’d rather stick to a more traditional party composition but the fact that i need a perk to use this skill at all is really baffeling. So far i’ve failed 3/4 jumps and it resulted in my very first ragequit.

The heavy class shouldn’t need a perk to use one of their basic skills without failing.


Well it was basic in previous builds. :wink: So we get used to it being available all the time.

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As strange as it sounds maybe it would feel less frustrating if the basic jetpack skill was removed entirely and just added as a perk in itself. The end result would be the same but players wouldn’t get baited into using it only to see it fail. The goal should be to limit RNG and the perk would have the feeling of an actual upgrade instead of something i’m being forced to choose.

All-or-nothing design sounds like an annoying mechanic, especially that items are there available and ready to be equipped. You can use those as you would normally except sometimes it won’t work. It does seem far to simplified considering the wider attempt at simulation.

Maybe some kind of passive malus to using item one is unproficient with would be better?

Bigger spread for weapons? Smaller range for throwing items and jet pack? Overall bigger cost in action points?

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Well, on one side sure its frustrating.
However some might find it as a challenge, it gives a bit of unpredictability.
I would maybe change it so you would land halfway, or get stunned if you fumble it.
Definitely show chance to fumble.

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I wouldn’t mind if fumble is linked to willpower, at least it would make sense and also nerf the current exertion exploit.
100% willpower = 0% chance to fumble
75% willpower = 25% chance to fumble etc.,
The penalty for not using class based weapons or items i’m fine with aswell
but having the game flip a coin and deciding if an action will fail or not just feels so wrong

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Seems fine to me. Jetpacks exist in the world; doesn’t mean that you can just strap one on and straight away know how to use it.

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I think the Heavies are pretty great after doubling carry capacity and stacking speed. Especially as mobile rocket platforms. Currently my Heavies are my prime XP earners. No one can keep up.

If our troops have a percentage to fumble do the enemy? Would seem only fair…:smiling_imp:


I agree, the fumble mechanic should be taken out.
This creates “bloatware” in the perk skill tree, mandatory skill tree disguised as “choice”…

Completely out of place in a tactical turn based game, unless you want a silly RNG fest like some games are.

Other things should have RNG, the traditional hit\miss\graze\crit\bleed etc etc…
Not something tied to abilities that then is tied to you investing points in a skill tree, the skill tree should be a lot more unique than just negating “chances”.


I agree that skill tree should be character shaping.
But removing fumble? Tone it down, show chances, or make it so its not all-or-nothing.
But dont remove it. I lost few soldiers to fumble, in fights I thought I won. Not nice feeling, but hey, its apocalypse, death is everyday’s bushiness.


Would love to see a Crabman fumble a grenade and blow himself or his mates up. Home goal!

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If they leave it in, at least remove it from the perk tree and just let the soldier level his ability to operate the jet pack.
Or instead of failing it completely make him take random hit points damage on occasion or even better let him miss his landing spot once in a while until he is experienced enough to operate it.

My main issue is with it being in the perk tree rather than being in the game.

Agreed, purely numerical perks are boring

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