Now (more than 2 years ago) the TBI System is a mess, not a Tactical balance.
OP skills (over 200% effective) break each of: TU, Ballistics and Inventory. The excuse that this is for Casual players cannot be accepted until there is an opportunity to try “Legal” skills.
Also, the “TBI” System is broken by the Imbalance of Parameters (Strength, Will, Speed, Weight, Accuracy, Stealth …) of People and Monsters. (Parameters at or near Max. break the game) Appalled by Steam (Reviews) - #67 by noStas
add Rebuilding the Statistics / Parameters of the character
IMHO, in Ballistics there is no option “quick shot offhand” (this is not a stupid option only for a sniper), this is a mistake if the game forces you to use mainly Aim shot.