Early Backer, have earlier BB, can't figure out how to download latest through epic

Can’t figure out how to download the current BB through epic games. Any suggestions on where to start?

Not a fan of epic games Popup ads. Hoping I can find a way to disable them.

You should have had an email from us (contact@snapshotgames.com) on March 27th with a key and download instructions.

If you’re a gmail user, the email usually ends up in the “promotions” folder.

If you’re missing your email, contact us at the above address and we can resend it to you.

There shouldn’t be any popup ads when using the launcher (and personally I’ve never experienced them on the website either).

If I can’t find the email (may have been deleted), can I get it resent?

I wrote him at his email supplied above from the email I used to back the game and he sent me a code within 12 hours.

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