But this is where you and I have to agree to disagree, because in my opinion if a TBS/TBT game doesn’t have the possibility that you can make a wrong decision (or just get unlucky) and lose a Squaddie - or even suffer a TPW - then it’s not a very good or challenging game for me.
What makes these games worth playing is the fact that you have to constantly be on your toes and make good decisions to win. If you don’t it just gets very boring very fast.
But you disagree with me and that’s your prerogative. I shall continue to badger the devs to give you an Easy/Veteran mode which you can exploit to your heart’s content, while I make challenging choices that interest me on Heroic and etermes et al optimise the hell out of Legendary.
There seem to be players out there who defend such expoits and celebrate them. I’ll never understand it, it must be a generation inaccessible to me or something … I don’t want bad blood, I just don’t understand it.
Your short videos alone (thanks @etermes) show that these exploits simply make the whole point of this game a void.
PP could be the sole front runner in the whole genre at the level of deep tactics, but it’s just not meant to be
This issue is the lack of tier progression in armor/weapons, yes you unlock more options but they purposefully stayed about from the standard ‘ballistic<lazers<alien tech’ style jumps and so the entire power progression needs to rely on skills and abilities, this, for better or worse, effects the game on multiple levels just one of which is creating powerful skill combos
Stacking Mark of Death is history with latest update Its nice to have multiclassing, but I am with you - that gameplay becomes too much of abusing WP powers (being early fool not to use them). Later on, you dont have any really advanced weapons and armor to how fast Pandas evolve, so it becomes necessity.
Its OK to remain as-is for easy game (and should be even easier with reducing potent enemies to lowest possible level) but I would opt for better weapons and armor and more strategic approach. Sadly now unlikely to happen.
I never support ideas where I see a player (or even a group of players) calling for a change to remove a feature other players are enjoying, in an attempt to enforce their personal preferences on everyone else.
They always have the option to simply not use a feature they do not like. Indeed, there are features of the game that I personally do not like but I do not call for their removal as I know others like them.
Dual classing is a great feature and is well implemented in this game in my view.
You are right, I don’t like second class and I don’t use it, also Boom Blast, Inspire, now War Cry, Adrenaline, Electric reinforcement, Sneak Attack, Mind crush, induce panic
I barely use Rapid Clearance, for 2-3 kills in a row
Unless I’m missing something, dual training a Phoenix Project trooper is a player option. Limiting a player’s ability to have some enjoyment gained from using that option has no impact on you or the way you play your own campaign. Bottom line; leave it as it is.
You can, but Sniperist + infiltrator is not so easy, you need to get that match, and I don’t cheat, one recruit from havens get what he/she get, I don’t reload looking for specific perks
And Infiltrator+sniperist will not get Quick Aim or Master Marksman or Marked for Death
Thank you!
She has her limits of course:
-4 will from Sniperist means you can’t spam skills. No Quick Aim or Master Marksman means it is difficult to fire and move, and you don’t want to move too close, because being revealed = lost 2x damage bonus. And I don’t use bionic heads because I prefer to see the original faces.
On the other hand she is a Berserker, so in theory it means she can fire 4 times with 2x damage bonus. However in practice it doesn’t happen often because of various reasons (willpower cost, negative effects from being Dazed, etc.)
I am not a fan of Onslaught, but I think you can add it in for more dakka.
Oh, and Mark for Death from a nearby sniper could come in handy if you need to kill something like an Ancient Guardian