Seem like a lot of the OP perk combinations from the players side of things stem from being able to dual class - Heavy/Sniper for example.
I liked the idea of dual classing when it was first announced, but I wonder whether the game as a whole would be easier to balance if this feature were removed.
Sure classes systems open more freedom for more diversity and more balance, but this game choose a different path. Itâs a lot too late to do that for the game.
This is a tactical game, not a RPG, they should be able balance the whole fairly enough.
If currently players tend use only some specific set, itâs more because of other balances broken and some OP skills than because of the multi class system.
I think one thing that we all pretty much accept is that the game has been released in what is essentially a Beta state. Snapshot have also got 12 months or so before a 2nd release on steam, to which whilst I donât think Snapshot are likely to wholesale drop the possibility for Dual builds within Phoenix Point, Iâd also hazard that itâs not too late for any change to be made. (They may prevent certain combinations for example).
They âshouldâ âŚ
I do agree with you that itâs a balancing issue overall, but the perks being combined between classes is currently what tends to be the cause of OP builds. People who post on the forum that they are struggling in the game are often not taking this route, theyâre trying to play single builds of which all are ineffective. Whereas people who are dual classing are able to clear maps against overwhelming odds with only 1 turn. That in itself needs to be fixed for sure.
But the OP was asking would it be easier to balance the game if that option to dual class didnât exist. The problem with dual classing, in any game, is that when you start to introduce the possibility of it you introduce an exponential equation to your number of builds available; for each new class thatâs created it isnât then just one new build that must be balanced, itâs that new class combined with every existing class:
Dual Class
1 Class = 1 build to balance
2 Classes = 3 builds to balance (Both single classes, plus the dual build)
3 Classes = 6 builds to balance (3+3)
4 Classes = 10 builds to balance (4+6)
5 Classes = 15 builds to balance (5+10)
6 Classes = 21 builds to balance (6+15)
7 Classes = 28 builds to balance (7+21)
8 Classes = 36 builds to balance (8+28)
Whereas if youâre only allowing for single class builds, those 8 classes will only require balancing of 8 builds. This then allows for more unique classes to exist within the game, as each addition requires less work.
Instead of dual classing could go with a similar route that Firaxis XCom took - for each class you have specializations. Just to have a bit of variety. Then you would have some sort of meaning behind the classes and their equipment restrictions.
Regarding equipment, Xenonauts 2 is doing something cool (not in beta yet) - armor upgrades, you have a number of armor suits and then things like jet packs, extra armor, more camouflage is added as addon. So you are not forced to have jetpack only on specific armor.
Multi class is hugely more fun, totally disagree to remove it.
The more I play the less I see that some skills are OP tools. Lets take Rage Burst, itâs still a full clip use, frankly in first parts where itâs the hottest I have most often better thing to do than kill a Scylla or a Siren. For example with a Sniper destroy 2 AR of crabs. Later I already use some ammo and next Rage Burst is quite less powerful.
This let the question on full team RB. I think I have RB with almost all other classes, and didnât saw anything making combats trivial. The weakness of RB is itâs one target, full clip spend, WP cost. Even WP cost isnât insignificant, more than once when later in a combat I wanted use a RB, oops nope, need restore Will first so next turn at best. RB involve also other problems, know well target moves during a RP, some RB will hit 50% because of target move during the RB, not because you could miss when you started the RB. More.
So, for me RB is a tool among other, and I have about 20 skills I consider as powerful starting with Dash. It is just one of the best tools. I tried only once a full party RB but it was no way the most efficient party I played. I admit I need try more a full party RB.
This let just Citadels making look RB op because unlike other missions kill first the Scylla is the goal and end the mission. But thatâs a problem with Citadels not with RB.
RB also makes capture much more simple once you have the pistol or the rifle, but frankly I donât want bother with capture without that.
All of that to say that itâs more complex than it could seem, RB wonât help you manage better an army of crabs or Triton, which is the main threat in most missions.
Iâm not asking whether itâs fun or not, as a concept itâs a good idea. Itâs the execution of it thatâs the problem.
I think thereâs more than enough threads about why RB is OP, if you donât think so, then youâre perhaps the only one.
And thatâs the issue in a nutshell - for an assault they might miss 50% of the time, but a sniper still hits 100% even with a reduced accuracy. To which how do you balance that for a sniper to a have a chance to miss, whilst not making the assaultâs chance ridiculously low? - Whereas if itâs a perk that is only used by a single class assault then you can balance easily in a number of way.
If dev want balance better RB between weapons they have an easy tool, itâs clip size. Other tools are clips weight and price. I donât see whatâs complex here.
Doing that doesnât just alter the effectiveness of weapons when using RB, it alters the effectiveness of them full stop. So now you have a balanced sniper rifle when using RB, but youâve made it UP the rest of the time.
I learned quickly the animations for each one when they get shot. I then planed accordingly so even on a Siren nearly all my shots would hit.
The greatest moment I had with RB was with 3 NJ heavies all aligned.
Lol ok but thatâs a bit difficult, I manage it more simply. But yeah it involves some limitation. Anyway I never use RB for Sirens or itâs a very desperate case which should be very rare.
Was first play-through on rookie (what ???! is that really rookie ??!??). Used RB only once on my ânormalâ play-through with the Deceptor (limited to 4 shots with a mod).
Started a Legendary campaign and will see how it pans out. Starting with only 4 soldiers does make a big difference ⌠and I lost my heavy on second scavenging site, so I did the Anu âworms infestationâ mission with 2 assaults and 1 sniper. Surprised with my first bash (saving ammo) that I didnât kill a worm ⌠only 14 strength. The mission was finally challenging (eventhough the Chiron had a tendency to crush exploding barrels on its way to me so lost a good part of its health).
I play with the mod that does give the enemyâs weapons (would be nice if it also gave the armor), so I have some nice weapons already for my recruits (recruiting for only food is great).
One thing though. I did a âsabotage food resourcesâ in a Anu haven (Synedrion influence) and once I got rid of all opposition it would have been nice to consider that I won. Because I had to destroy all the containers. And since I wanted to save some ammo, I had to bash all of them, which takes lots of time.
Surely the less options - the easier it becomes to balance everything.
But the multiclass system in PP is too much fun making all sorts of different crazy builds and adding a lot of options to experiment with. Thatâs one of the things making PP so special!
+1 on soldiers builds, and quite fascinating even, with death I have/had about 34 soldiers, all was unique. Ok some builds donât look that good, but if it survives it ainât bad either.