Black screen on startup

Yep , i already had it but i unistall and reinstall it, i already did the c++ thing, region thing , run as admin, updating and downgrade the GPU drivers, i have the windows updated, disable anti-virus, i installed the game in diferent SSD disks, i even try install in my HDD one, someone suggest for me to install the Unity i tried that , update codecs, and everything in this topic i already tried at least 2 times, i even leave the game running for a bit like some ppl suggest, Epic Games said i played 2 hours and i even didn’t pass from the tutorial, i can’t refund it even if the fix don’t work for me

Okay, so you tried installing the 2019 C++ redist.

Yes already tried to , my only hope is the patch fix this

@UnstableVoltage , @gamingmechanoid any news on the patch ?

There’s one coming. As soon as we have news we’ll post an announcement on the forum and link it to our social accounts.

I already have an epic showing 5 hours, although I still could not enter the game (((

My problem still persists nothing changes , no cutscenes , and game crash when i quit

Your case is quite interesting. Cutscenes making your screen going black. This must be some software issue other than the game itself. Can you post your hardware and operating system specs?

i7 4790k
16GB Ram
Msi GTX 1080

Windows 10 Pro N version 1909

I have more then enough to run this , this the only game that i ever had that give me this problem, so nope is not at my side this is some software problem

Hate to break it to you, but if today’s patch was supposed to fix the black screen on startup, it didn’t.

was supposed, but didn’t do anything major lol almost 1 week after launch and many ppl can’t play the game or can’t play it in a decent way lol

its working for me. Nice to be able to play the game finally. Hope it will be sorted out for the rest as well. Btw im from Turkey and changing region/language didnt work out previously.

I want to play xC

я також ((( нажаль для мене хороших новин немає

Soo anymore ideas or info on the next patch ??

І знов ніяких новин(((

You said you have 2016. You need to actually get the redists from previous years as well.

expected good news from you!
it’s a pity that another two days off pass me by … (((

Seem to have fixed it - tried a lot of different things at once so not sure which did the trick I’m afraid:
1)Verify files on Epic: redownloaded a 1GB file, so something was wrong there
2) Worked out Windows update wasn’t working (outdated windows upsets any graphic card updates and in this case had caused them to not complete) and wouldn’t turn on, so set install updates to “never” then back to “always” and presto, a big backlog of updates.
3) Completely erased any trace of graphics card drivers. I used a program I downloaded for AMD cards - - but I think other card manufacturers offer something similar.
4) Downloaded latest graphic card drivers from scratch.

Result: 2d cinematics AND Manticore landing mini-movies now working again. Can exit the game fine. Sometimes get black on startup and have to click ESC, then opening cinematic works. I would note that the game is currently downloading a new patch, which is what broke it the first time so we will see.

I finally fix it , just like Repair all windows, reinstall all video codecs , media player etc, finally

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