Right now, the camera switches back to our units almost instantly, making it hard to read any information our shots might have had on impact, necessitating the player to manually scroll back to the enemy that’s just been hit and just was the focus of the camera, in the hopes that the effect info hasn’t faded out yet.
This could, and in my opinion should, easily be remedied by changing the camera’s behaviour in such a way that it stays for maybe one second longer on the enemy, at least when any significant result has been achieved, i.e. bleeding, loss/destruction of limbs, etc.
It would also serve to make the game/combat feel less hectic than it actually is, by not having the camera jump around so frantically anymore.
@UnstableVoltage btw, do you guys prefer feedback split into separate threads per topic of feedback, as I am doing right now, or would you prefer one thread were I collect all my feedback from various areas of gameplay?
Personally I prefer, obviously, the multi-threaded approach as this makes it easier for those evaluating our feedback to instantly sort it into the appropriate categories, but on the other hand some people might still take it as spamming, so just in case I’d like to hear the official preference please.