Auto turrets OP

on their own, turrets are powerful, but like @Lorifel states, the enemy will try and take cover from them on their turn. this allows them to be used as a flanking force, flushing enemies out of cover or forcing them to step in the players field of view…or option 3…use their attacks on the turret instead, and turrets are well armored and have return fire for exactly that purpose. this is a great use of a tool. and warrants the turrets high damage and the fact that without RC, the turret cannot fire on its first turn

however, what also happens a lot…well to be honest…is the most common thing that happens. is that the turret is placed, and then remote control is spammed on it, not making it a tactical tool, but just a heavy weapon emplacement. and this is where the turrets insane damage output becomes a problem, as RC only costs 1 AP…its the turrets damage (even the weakest has 8X40 on it, so 320) for 1 AP, at a slightly higher accuracy rating then quick aiming an iconoclast. with the scourcher AT and its 600 damage, the potential is bonkers.

so I have the feeling its not the turret itself that is the major problem, its techies “remote/manual control” skill (and vehicles have a similar conundrum, you cannot increase the vehicle power too much, or technicians will cause it to spiral out of control, but that is a completely different topic)


The Turrets are overpowered when you got a lvl6 Tech that can send it to a point for one AP and use the other 3 to fire in same turn, destroying multiple Sirens and strong enemies in same turn.

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I agree with you.
Please someone share this concerns to the devs to this game become epic and even better.

I don’t think they are OP. Technicians aren’t that big of a threat without their controlled devices. They move slow. The PDW has poor accuracy, though the laser version is more accurate (20 tiles), it is tech intensive to fire. They come late in the game to the level where they can finally be dangerous, if they live long enough. Sure the laser turret can do damage, but they cost a lot, and those 3 alpha sniper tritons take them out in a single shot. High risk/high reward (but only with sufficient will power).

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Laser towers do 600+ damage for a single AP, and you can put it and fire it 3 times in a row… 1800 damage for 4AP!

It is overpowered and a LOT

Not ony 600 damate per 1 AP , you have to add bonuses, including 10% vivisection and 50% Marked for Death,
I am sure by the time (end January, early February) you get Scorcher AT tech, you have at least one Sniper LV 7.

And it is the same for Gorgon PDW, damage per AP is too much, 1000 damage in one turn (if you remove armor in the first place)

I think it is the best solution, if any device could be Remote Controlled only once per turn. That would remove most of the OP part of turrets. Because now they are nearly unusable without Remote Control while clearly OP with it.

I have a bit of experience using turrets and that will not be the case, your technician will bring 2-3 turrets, and using one remote control on them will get 1000 damage per turret in addition to their own turn burst

Don’t forget: deployed turrets are another targets for enemy, so you have not only more firepower, you have more possibility of survival for your „living“ soldiers.

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That’s actually another one of my concerns. I don’t want enemies to target my turrets because they can’t take cover and have less HP than my soldiers. And they cost a lot of resources to produce.

Well, if the goal is 0 damage on anything on player side… but then the mission is too easy and not interesting

Ammo is for free
And you get firepower of a soldier in backpack.
A pretty high efficiency investment for me

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[Hollow laugh]

I’m a great fan and advocate of this game. I’ve been feeding back since BB1. I’m on the Community Council, and tbh I really like the devs we get to talk to.

But the idea that we haven’t been saying this to the devs for the past 12 months or more just makes me laugh.

This is just one of the many super-exploits that we are patiently chipping away at in the hope that we will finally get a properly balanced game.

So yes, we have already fed back to the devs in great detail, multiple times. Whether they will opt to do anything about it is anyone’s guess, but we keep on chipping at that wall.


But a Tech can remote control a turret from anywhere on the map AFAIK

Yes, due to tech research obtained from NJ.

When was the last time anyone cleared the map with it? Rapid Clearance situationally allows you to clear the map. Typhoon Brigade, I’m looking at you! Can RC be OP, definitely! Often though it peters out as the conditions aren’t right. Still, with enough “onslaughts” it can clear the map.

For turrets, if all the shots hit and there isn’t any armor it does a huge amount of damage. With the gigantic Scalia target where the armor has been stripped, that is a prime target. Against the masses it isn’t so decisive. Late game Pandas have 30 armor and 400HP and will survive an entire burst. Contrast this with an adjacent Arthron with the 95 damage pincer. It can attack 4 times, so against the typical 20 armor an assault wears this is 75 * 4 = 300 damage which can only be survived with maxed out HP + Project Hectre, and then only if at most 2 body parts are disabled in the attack. This is your top notch assault carefully cultivated over 30+ missions killed (or nearly) in a single turn! And then the 50cal Arthon can fire 2 bursts of 50*6 with 6 shred/bullet. Again, your maxed out soldier is either dead, or almost dead from a single burst if all shots hit, even with full armor. If your armor was gone already, then dead. If all shots from both burst hit, dead.

How much will does a typical PP operative have? Sirens all have 30+ will, and when they show up my guys have around 10 will, so a single Artemis can readily control 4 of you soldiers. Sure they can only add 1/turn, but with a cost of only 2 will/controlled/turn they can sustain this for many turns. Also note that Pandas “overcharge” will. With kills they can go above their set will. Those kills used to always lower PPs will, but something change such that sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn’t.

What I’m saying is it’s a brutal world and all things can die by the right combinations. One time I had a 240HP tech who took consecutive hits from the piercing sniper rifle. Dead. He was at full strength with the normal 25 armor, but 130 * 2 = 260 with 50 piercing, so dead. This is extremely rare, but encountering 3 of those bastards isn’t uncommon, and they are usually hidden.

Of course one could just re-load, but reloading is the most OP thing there is. Even “honest man” play makes it hard to talk about balance. If either the SP exploits (excessive raiding of havens) were fixed or just not abused (play the game as intended, not just as it is), and players played iron man Legendary, then what is left as OP? At 5SP mission, and without getting lucky with level 5 or 6 haven recruits), it takes forever to build up the points to make these OP things to work. It can still be done, so of your 6 squads 2 will have some killer combos (the RC melee torso doesn’t work so well against the 1000+HP monsters), but the rest won’t. Some missions will be easy, and some will be really hard.

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Already done this with massiv self restriction

  • only 1 Save
  • only single class
  • no raid, no steal aircrafts
  • only class related clothes
  • no bionics
  • no ancients weapons

Beat the game mainly with bombs + boom blast and mounted laser, don’t need more … Oh, and turrets :wink:
And: Usually I don’t play any games on hardest difficulty. Honestly, IMO PP Legend is easier as XCOM2 WotC. But maybe I am just bad with FiraXcom game design, just saying…


I am sure you can add more self restrictions there and beat the game easily in Legend

no War Cry
no Boom Blast
no Sneak Attack
no Blast Radius weapons , Goliath, Ragnarok, Thor AML
no stacking facilities like medbays or TF
only one turret, and one use per turn

and even more

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Maybe, but then it is a shame if I have to cut 50% of the game content. I already have to cut a lot and it feels not right.

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How much population was left at the end?

Ancients weapons are great, but they are so expensive to get (though the 1000 materials really helps) and then they come so late that other than the neat factor, it’s not worth the wall time to take this option. Cybernetics, other than the melee torso and maybe the clarity head aren’t worthwhile either.

And without stealing aircraft how many did you have at the end?

Finally, which victory?

approx 35%, I am not that good
3-4 soldiers died

It is a love letter for all crab terminators

Game design breaking

3 (1 PX, 2 NJ)