An introduction to the bell curve by Dr. Venstad

While I can follow everything after “the normal distribution” explanation, it’s pretty pointless without understanding ‘the normal distribution’. So first off… What’s the Y axis on the graph? The one that goes 0-8000 and has no units of measurement. Without that your graph means nothing. You don’t even say what it could be in your description.

Additionally, @Aknazer is right. This doesn’t get around the issue of the developer stating that accurate and inaccurate shots were just as unlikely.

You then point over to @lompabo’s post, an excellently written guide to bell graphs. However that really doesn’t clear up the issue any better since his math is very complex and he uses a lot of jargon and algebra that most people, myself included, will get lost in. I made it about half way through before giving up, however I could see that it was a system designed to put the majority of shots within the centre, rather than around the middle of the circle. So while I said it’s something I would like to see in the game I don’t think it was describing what the developers have actually done. No disrespect to @lompabo but he was working from the premise that he wanted shots in the middle of the circle and how that would be possible with a bell curve. He’s not part of the dev team and his post is a standalone system. A great one, that I’d like to see in the game, but not necessarily the one they used in the backers build.

It’s just a very simple matter of contradicting what the dev said. You CAN’T have a HIGHER probability of shots in the centre if there’s an EQUALLY BAD chance of them being highly accurate or highly inaccurate. Therefore the highest probability is that the bullets will land between the centre and the edge of the circle, with a bell curve shape to the probability.
Sure, they could use a low, flat bell curve as opposed to a spire, meaning that shots have a lot of variance rather than being mostly likely to land in the centre between the two circles, but at the end of the day the majority of the shots won’t land toward the centre of the circle. I feel that’s a problem when the circle is already so big that targeting enemies more than 10 meters away will, in all likelihood, barely scratch them.

Geez, could you get any more passive aggressive? Not only are you bad at listening (because I never asked for “perfect” probability plots) you are also not in the right forum branch. This is about how a bell curve would work to give a 50/50 spread of probability in the calculation of bullet trajectories between the two circles we’re shown in game. It’s not about the UI giving percentage chances to hit or background processes that skew things in the player’s favour.
Also, if you’re going to mention someone by reference and insult them then just grow a pair, tag them and say it to their face. Pretty pointless writing a comment that’s nothing but negative if you’re not even going to address it to the right person.
(for any onlookers that don’t understand why this is aimed at me specifically check out this thread for context: Shots too random - #67 by lompabo )