8 guys usually being better, my “extreme team” flies around (at a leisury pace) in a long-range Tiamat and try to take care of the most dangerous missions my 6-units squads would rather not get into.
The TiamaTeam is “commanded” by a level 7 Sniper-Assault : mostly using Rally and Weak Point once positioned on high-ground, her main job is to create openings, provide supporting fire and extra-Actions to her teammates.
It’s usually comprised of
► a high WP Assault-Priest 7 with Mind Control, Induce Panic/Psychic Scream, Rapid Clearance or Frenzy and Wreckless to Dash-in, kill off a few baddies in a row (with an Iconoclast shotgun or a Bulldog AR), make a friend once its WP is low enough, kill a few more and scare-off the rest.
► a jet-propelled Heavy-Sniper with Inspire, missile, grenade launcher, long-range rifle and PDW to make as much area-damages as he can, weakening the heard on the first turns (after that he’ll snipe-disarm or snipe-behead 2 or 3 enemies each turn),
► a stomper Berserker with long-range pistol or PDW to peel-off armor on the Big Ones, allowing…
► two Assault-Heavies with Rage Burst or Boom Blast, an Infiltrator-Sniper and a Tech-Sniper (with Laser-Turrets) to use said openings in the Big ones’ armors and either kill them out-right or take their big heads off to have them either loose their next turn or controlled by the Priest (and then trample the little ones).
This team’s usual tactic is to chain-kill a few foot-soldiers in the first turn (almost everyone weakening targets for the Priest to Rapid-Clear them and Control a high-damage enemy), then rush the Big Ones pretty early, in order to create wide-spread Panic among the heard, then wipe-out the wounded and capture those they can.
Process is then verything : acting in a very precise order to maximize enemy WP loss, PP WP recovery (“Inspire” on a grenade/missile-launching Heavy with Boom Blast is a WP jackpot). Depending on the battle-field, my opening turn could be :
- If possible and usefull, the Priest casts Frenzy,
- the Chief would usually use Quick Aim to clear some cover or Weak-Points some armor and open lines of fire for her team, then the Berserker would try and Break Armor on some Big One or a tight group of foot-soldiers (PDW or even shotgun +Break Armor is very efficient, each bullet taking off some 50 armor),
- the Infiltrator and the Flying Heavy spot everything, so the Priest would Dash precisely in the middle of a group without interruption to begin the murder-conga, her friends weakening some targets to make sure she profits from RC,
- then the Assaults and Tech would kill the closest Big Bad to lower enemy WP,
- if enemy’s WP is low enough, the Priest controls a high-damage friend to kill one more enemy,
- the Chief uses Rally to facilitate repositioning, retreat or an extra-kill (really PDW are very usefull to Assault, Berserkers and Snipers alike), but mostly…
- have the New Friend kill once more and the Priest end the turn on the largest Panic possible.
Many enemy loose their turn, then the Chief-Berserker-Assault sequence starts again to kill another Big One and Panic most enemies one more : if it works, enemies are now ripe for the reaping.