Where! Is! Ironman!?

Thx you for this reply! Realy important to me🙏
Im back to game (its looks great, thx!)

Or would it be Ironman got snapped?

There was a bug with Ironman which we discovered at the last minute. Rather than having people lose their saves and their progress, we’ve temporarily disabled it. We’ll patch the bug and re-enable it very soon.

Remember when this was a thing?

It’s now over a third of the way between the Epic release and the Steam release. It’s pretty clear the team does not have the horsepower to fix and test basic issues, let alone delivering the content required to make this into a successful game.

I will be incredibly surprised if the next two DLCs are released before the Steam drop AND do anything more than adding some basic content.

I guess there are billions another issues which is more important. But I’m still waiting it with each new patch more then something other… :pray:

Iam also waiting for this. Just cant feel the thrill without this mode so i keep playing other games until it gets here.

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My main hope of every new patch so far, but… :neutral_face:

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It won’t happen until most of the mechanics and content will be in the game. There will be at least two more updates this year and a DLC. So maybe at the end of the year, but who knows…

Could you then explain to me what the mechanics and content have to do with it? Why then does the save button work great with the current mechanics? I thought all that was needed was to “automate the launch of this button.” Isn’t that so?

Devs don’t want to create functionality of Ironman because they know that some parts of game may be unbalanced, thus unfair and this could lead to not good experience for the players using this mode. And next patches can also throw away balance to the bin, so with such mode already in place it would be risky. They will introduce it when they will feel everything is in place and there is no need for more balancing. Hell they even know that UI is not always helpful and may provide misleading information to the player, thus they did changes to aiming with Destiny and they prepare whole patch which will address UI.