When will the 2nd DLC be available, please?

I think that it’s also worth considering that the opposite complaint has been made by other users here earlier in the year. ‘Why is DLC being released while the game has so many bugs? Snapshot should be fixing them first!’ The forum moderator UnstableVoltage clearly explained that there are different teams working on different parts of the game’s development. The creative team that are making the DLC can’t be put on hold while another is solving issues with the game itself.

Perhaps if you search this forum you will find it? I would add despite it already being mentioned that it has been a tough year across the world for everyone, not just Snapshot games. Covid-19 has affected day-to-day life in so many ways, it would be unreasonable to expect normality. My 5 year old son just can’t understand and accept why there is no F1 racing taking place at the moment!!

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Seems it will be work in parallel.