Upcoming video Q&A, next Wednesday, Feb. 26! Submit your questions for Game Designer Hristo Petkov and Community Manager Kevin Hill

  1. When will the first DLC come out?

  2. What will be the next balance changes?

  3. Will base defence missions be reduced?

  4. Will Assault Rifles get a buff?

  5. Will we get mission rewards for every mission type?

  6. Will there be an official mod support?

  7. extreme missions should have less aliens contained on first difficulty.

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By what logic there is gamble with enemy drops? Why when I kill an enemy I can’t pick all his gear like in old UFO games? In Firaxis X-Com there is lore that alien weapons have self destruct mechanism, but I am not aware of such lore here.


Is there anything that can be done to reduce the wait time for the Pandoran Activity?

Occasionally ammo items appear to stack in the body inventory, which may be a bug. But I think this should be allowed, so that more variety of items can be carried depending upon the weight limit.

To limit player resources from scraping and main reason to not let him reverse engineer each weapon that can be found after Tritons. :slight_smile:

Quite a handful of features teased before release didn’t make it into final game. I don’t expect any details, but could you share what kind of post-release support can we expect? Are there any previously planned features (Behemoths, soldier’s permanent physical and mental injuries) we can hope to see added to the core game, or are DLCs all when it comes to new features?


Can we expect more melee weapons, perhaps for Synedrion and New Jericho? Also, how exactly do you plan on buffing melee weapons? Will they scale up the damage, or will they only take one time unit to use? Will there be more customization in the appearance of our soldiers? Perhaps making the colors more solid rather than a mesh with the original colors of the armor? Or having an alternate appearance for the armor that you can change for different soldiers?

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Congratulations on getting your labor of love to the market. I’m sure that many things were left on the cutting room floor in order to make this goal. Which of the features on the cutting room floor does the team most wish had made the final release?

A big thank you goes out for your attention and interest in the community’s feedback. Out of the numerous responses which did the team most feel would be voiced? On the other hand, which responses were least expected, and why?


Will PP expose other character stats so that we can see the progression?

  • Accuracy

  • Bravery

  • Reactions
    Those are old school XCOM stats but I always liked knowing the stats which helped me determine a bit of a hierarchy of who I was willing to expose to more risk.
    I would also check to see whose numbers were fake. So, if you had a high accuracy number, but missed a lot in the field, then I would volunteer you for door opening duty.


Are you intending to fix the five unobtainable achievements on gamepass version?

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+1 to Voland’s points. Kudos for creating an interesting and engaging (re)take on the xcom format - even if it isn’t properly balanced yet. I have 3 key questions:

  1. Are there any plans to address ‘proper’ Pandoran evolution, rather than simply rely on the ‘we need a bigger gun’ approach of the DDA?

  2. What are you planning to do about the Lair/Citadel imbalance? Frankly, I think simply swapping them over and turning the current Lair into the Boss Dungeon Citadel would go a long way. Any plans to do that?

  3. Was the alpha-strike/glass-jawed superhero feel of the game always intended, or is this simply a matter of not quite getting the tactical balance right at the moment? And as a follow-up to that, do you feel that the Squad Skills as they stand are overpowered, or do you think that they are balanced?

Thanks - and good luck.


Mulling things over, I have another BIG question, which at its simplest boils down to this:

  • Can you give us some insight into the design philosophy behind the Open Skills Sandbox you have created?

EXPLANATION: It seems to me that the philosophy behind this game is to create an open sandbox of skills and give players the freedom to mix & match them in any way they like, to create interesting combos that will solve the combat puzzle put before them.

The upside of this is that the only real limit on a player’s freedom is their imagination.

The downside is that if you give a potentially infinite number of players a potentially infinite amount of time, they will inevitably come up with ways to break the game. Because I cannot believe that you expected or intended for Snipers to be able to Rage Burst a Scylla to death from the other side of the map and end the mission on Turn 1; or for a Berserker doped up on Adrenalin Rush & Rally to be able to Dash all over the map with a Shotgun and take out every single enemy in 1 Turn (both of which I have seen on You Tube). I simply cannot believe that any dev on your team thinks that being able to win a mission on Turn 1 by cheesing skills is a good thing.

But there seems to be a philosophical resistance to limiting Squad Skills with 1-per-turn limits or Cooldowns. Hence my question.

A clear answer to this would really help me in the feedback that I give and would also potentially stop people from repetitively telling you that this should be JA2 or Xenonauts (or even XCOM) - or whatever their favourite game is.

I have to say that, much as I enjoy this game, if the plan is to take it down the alpha-striking superhero route rather than balancing it to become the tense tactical tug of war I personally expected it to be, it is ultimately likely to lose the likes of me and Yokes. Because while I don’t want it to be X- or XCOM, or JA2, or Xenonauts, I do want it to be its own game standing on its own merits within the ‘Squad Leader-style games genre with added Command & Control’. And it really does have the very great potential to be that.


most of that can be found on forum. DLC will be shortly after that video so expect it before April.

What you mean by “reduced”? If you mean frequency then probably yes as we will get longer warnings about impending attacks, so I expect they won’t overlap too much, thus time between attacks should increase.


There are XP and SP for each mission.


This is not a question, but it falls under the question of balance changes, which is only real question which need an answer.

The question about the reward for each mission:
I mean a reward by giving us ressources and equipment.

After a while all soldiers defending a base will be already level 7, so XP-gain makes no sense.

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Which developers are active on these forums incognito :blush:


Will Blood and Titanium’s new features be folded into the current game and/or can it stand alone? If it’s folded into the current game, does one need to start a new campaign?

Do any of the features in this DLC, and the forthcoming ones, include aspects that were planned to be in the current release, but just didn’t make the cut in time for the release?

I believe the DLC to be active upon new game, since then the options menu opens to activate/deactivate the DLCs.

I’ve seen them done multiple ways. The DLC is a stand-alone, but the new weapons/features are immediately available in game (even mid-way). The DLC is rolled into the game and really only takes affect with a new game or even mid-way in.

1-will something be done with an absolutely useless mutog?

2-will anything be done to increase the usefulness of edged weapons? (for example, reducing the number of action points by 1) (now it’s much more profitable for me to give a soldier a shotgun)

3-are there any restrictions on the number of reinforcements of pandoran when attacking their lair? endless protection is good and tickles the nerves, but, at some point, it can start to annoy.

4-will the faction defenders be introduced during a pandoran attack on human settlements?

5 - it seems to me a great idea if you implement the “advanced mind control” for Anu in the game, in which the opponents with some chance (5-10 (or 20)%) could stay in it forever and subsequently serve as soldiers.
so that it works both in relation to the factions taken under mind control, and the pandoran soldier, artron, chiron, scilla and so on.