Trophies not unlocking

I played this game for a day and a half, maybe two, on PS4 recently. I’m not new as I’ve been playing the game since backing it and playing the EGS version for years. Now, I’m not a SUPER trophy hunter, so I didn’t notice at first, but none of my trophies were unlocking for the entire time I was playing. Eventually, I moved the save to my other Playstation, and that somehow unjammed the trophy freeze because I unlocked Super Soldier shortly after. Since then, I’ve been able to unlock everything, including stuff I should have already unlocked (although my first trophy is forever going to be Super Soldier and that’s going to annoy me, but whatever).

My question is, has anyone else on Playstation had this “no trophy unlocking” glitch? I’m trying to figure out what triggers it so it doesn’t happen again. I’ve been googling, but the only pattern I’ve noticed is that it MIGHT be from putting the Playstation in rest mode, and then picking the game back up upon waking it instead of closing the game on exit and loading the next session from scratch. Can anyone give insight so I don’t spend dozens of hours chasing trophies that won’t pop?