Thoughts on the new Rage Burst, Mark for Death, & 'Onslaught'

Yes I do. But you also need to understand that there are a similar number of people who feel that Supermen are breaking the game and want it fixed - and many of them are abandoning the game and/or posting bad reviews because of this.

As Mad Skunky has so kindly pointed out (thank you :blush:) I want both sides to enjoy this game and have spent nigh on 2 years now ceaselessly trying to find the middle ground that will enable you to enjoy the game you want while I and others get to enjoy the game we want.

I have long come to the conclusion that the only way that is possible is to do 2 things:

  1. Take account of other people’s wishes in the Difficulty Settings - so that Easy has things like Supermen turned ‘on’ and Reactive Evolution turned ‘off’ ; while Legend has it the other way around.

But that only half-fixes things. I, for instance, don’t enjoy Legend at all because I find it far too restrictive and uninteresting in terms of the game clock and recruitment.

  1. So ultimately, the only way that YOU can get to play how you like and I can get to play how I like is by giving us a series of Second Wave Options with tick-boxes (or better still sliders) that allow us to say: "I want to play with unlimited/limited Super-Soldier Skills and I want Reactive Evolution to happen fast/slowly/not at all.

The devs are listening. But it won’t happen soon. If it doesn’t happen, let’s hope the modding community will give each of us the fixes that we need, eh? :wink:

All I ask is that you don’t impose your vision of the game on me in the same way that I am trying very hard not to impose my vision of the game on you.