Hi I would like to add to this topic that with the new UI design I see a very concerning trend which I would like to point out to whomever calls the shots.
The screen gets very VERY full of stuff. At the beginning it was fine, but as you get into the late midgame, early late game when you suddenly do a million stuff at once as the situation escalates you see a lot of info on the screen all at once without any option to filter it.
The ancient DLC made it even worse with literally new blocked in things slaped there like a bad post it.
And this very new UI redesign made cut out even more from the actual visible playing field making all the buttons and dudads (the UI basicly) A LOT LARGER.
I would like to tell the designer to get a screenshot from an old version and the new one and compare the screen space that players play in. And see how much smaller and smaller it gets.
I am really sorry to say this but for a tactical game information is a resoruces and you need to be able to cross reference some information and for that you need a way to filter the information that is presented or it gets really hard to focus on the things that you care about.
I know it needs a mayor overhaul and engine rewrite, but you guys are really smart from what I see you probably figure something out.
I just fear the worst that when we get airbattle and ships all over the place the globe view going to be a clusterfuck and especially if you come back for a save after weeks off playing it, you just going to look at that mess and close the game before you go insane.
I think the very first step should be getting rid of the stupid boxes around everything buttony. Don’t be afraid to make an actuall hud like in the old games and put stuff there, if we can customize that like winamp that would be golden trust me.
As a furthure suggestion, try to turn numbers into visible things, like you did with the action point. That was brilliant. We can clearly see if we have enough action points or it will eat up some of it and is not considered a full action point. You can do that with will points too, after a few battles we will easilly remember that this guy rarelly run out of willpoint cuz loses soo little when using a skill etc. Also if we want to go down the math, we can just hover over the bar and it should give us a popup where the actual nubmer is or we could just select the character giving us detail information on the currently selected character.
Oh and confirm to go into invertory is a bit akward as it doesnt cost anything only when you actually doing something invertory like so i dont know whats up with that.