I am not a backer but have been following the game since the start. I have invested several thousand combined hours into into 90s Xcom and Firaxis Xcoms. I love the complexity and the systems I’ve seen so far from PP. What I’m less expired about is the graphics. I know Snapshot is a much smaller operation than Firaxis/2k and that strategy games don’t have to look like the latest FPS to be great, but still… I was hoping for and expecting better. Specifically, the game world I’ve seen in BB4 videos is brown, still and lifeless to the point of absurdity. Run a screen cap through a color palette generator and it jumps out at you. A million shades of mud. There is no vibrancy whatsoever and the world is eerily still, almost motionless. I get that gritty post -apocalyptic is th e intent, but I hope they breath at least a little bit of color and soul into the world before launch.