So given the other aspects of the game is lacking in deapth this is where things should SHINE.
The shooting is fantastic, manually aim is KING its awesome; I love it.
Your soilders stop moving when spotting an enemy, THANKs that is awesome.
However, thats it; nothing else…its just another tactical game but with way way way way less options and deapth.
All solders are the same, snipers rocks, heavy is slow and bad. Using various weapons/equpment isnt relevant or even possible.
For some reason my soilders do not reload their weapon when off mission, they should be fired! or atleast an officer should make sure they do that if entering a mission with a empty weapon once. what the hell?! are they supid?!
Action points not used, just end up in void; ok Im cool with that but still…might be a good idea to be able to save one.
Paralyzing enemys is annoying as hell as they “wake up” after a while…so realisic or not its just play annoying.
Maps are suppsedly be generated but are not very different.
Overwatch direction is a fantastic idea, but super annoying and time consuming to use.
When shooting pressing F and then what? need to use the mouse? or are they some shortcuts for the aim opion, if so what? and where do i find that out?`
The flow when commanding/moving is off, need to press buttons and move the mouse in a less then optimal way.
Should be like this
Move soilder A, Move soilder B, …
Then press O, O, O for overwatch and/or space if not have enough Action points.
But now I must manualy aim the over watch and press space two times for each dude, its really annoying and again takes to much time and is as said less then optimal.
So to sum the tactical combat up, its just another tactical game without depth and as the Strategic and Progress parts are non interesting; I dont see a point struggling throu battle after battle to get nothing.