To make the game more realistic as to real world humans and not the DnD type of world were you can pick and choose which skill/ability/attribute you want to enhance.
For example, I know this is not PC but there are differences in male vs female strength unless say a certain armor type was developed/discovered. Same with speed. Almost all soldiers would either max out on either strength or speed and the rarest one would be at the top on both, (basically the soldier is a world class athlete)
A person can train and train and train but the average person will never be able to really sprint/run that much faster, they may be able to sprint more often but not faster. Same with strength. Strength should be a gradual training increase but there would be an upper limit. The Gym Rat abliity would increase that soldier’s speed/strength stat gain.
Training would also increase marksmanship. Marksmanship can be improved. Experience and training in bases would improve this as also proficiency with weapons. I find it a little hard to believe a soldier would fumble with a pistol if they are employed as the squad’s heavy gunner/mortar/grenadier. However, with different faction tech weapons that’s understandable. But the percentage of fumbling would decrease the more often the person chooses that weapon. ie learning through repetition.
As Grenadiers gain experience they could bounce grenades off objects and essentially around corners and double shot. Gained with experience.
As Snipers gain experience would gain snap shot something like being able to fire as fast as a pistol but with the pistol’s accuracy. Accuracy would be improved at base training/experience.
As Trooper/Assault gain experience they gain rapid targeting and are allowed a three round burst after the first successful shot. (for example: Target 1: six rounds - hit, Rapid Targeting -player once again selects a second shot this time three rounds burst. Also give them Reaction shot, where if something comes around a corner (four squares) they automatically take a three round shot at the target.
As a medic gains experience they would be able to heal/repair at a greater rate and that would be tied to will. If a teammate dies in a battle that medic’s will is halved and slowly regained. Base training could increase.
All Will power would be increased by experience and soldier’s personal kill count. But also could be shattered by severe injury (limb disabled) or death of teammate. (max level half of original) Will could also be boosted by successful missions with little injury and or large reward/loot collection.
Artillery / fire would negatively affect that soldier’s will.
Eh somethings to think about. Thanks.
Pretty good game so far.