Phoenix Point v. Cthulhu 1.6 - 30th of July

Phoenix Point v. Cthulhu 1.6 is scheduled for release on the 30th of July.

Some of the changes: ODI replaced with the survival of humanity, reworked exploration, Pandoran research system and tech tree, re-balanced difficulty, changes to base defense, new base activation system, and more.

Due to all these changes, it is highly advisable to start a new campaign to make everything work smoothly. You will still be able to load old saves, but the game experience might be flawed.


Thank you for the update!

I’ve put many hours into PP and really do not want to start over because I’m not sure I’d be as invested into the game as I am right now with all my soldiers and their level ups and my progression in the game.

When you say “flawed” can you expand a bit on that?

Hard to say what will happen.I would advice you to not update the game and keep playing the old version. You can either not run Epic and start the game directly from your PC or turn off auto-update on Epic



Where are my savegames? - #2 by Satoru

In your place I would disable auto-update in Epic, if you really want to finish old version.

Then update and try what is new. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I just might have to turn updates off then but I feel like I’m a long ways from finishing the game to not have patches installing. I might just take my chances and see what happens.

Appreciate the feedback!

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It’s the second time you guys advise a fresh start after patch. While I fully understand why this is necessary, are you considering some opt-in mechanism so that people that do not live on the forums (which is the majority) get a proper warning and the possibility to chose to finish their current campaign with the current patch when the game starts ?

But they live on social media. :wink:

If a patch breaks campaigns, there should be some sort of mechanism to prevent that without having to regularly read dev posts, regardless if you personally are on faceboogle or whatnot. Remember also that not everyone speaks english. Are there similar announcements happening for different languages ?


I don’t know.

I understand your point. It would be great to prevent update from breaking the game, but I suppose it would require more time of development. So patches would be less frequent, so game would be developed for longer period of time. We need to remember that Phoenix Point is already aging and with Steam release it would be great time for the game for few weeks but then only downfall will happen. So game really needs as many new and interesting content as possible before it will hit Steam and GOG shelves. So delays won’t help it and preventing the break of campaigns of any given set of the players isn’t priority right now

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Yes, perfectly reasonable argument. Note that I do not demand anything here. I am merely asking if that is under consideration.

Speaking of content filling, I understand it as a “5DLC promise” that “did not have” a deadline and will “no longer” due to COVID.
This does not include: new-content with updates and implementation of Canny’s suggestions. The time and resources spent here (with controversial results) is Devs’ full responsibility.

This game is designed for multiple replay, which means gameplay and balance in it.
This was not the case in December2019, let’s look at December2020.

I’m not sure if 5 DLC are deadlines can be connected with Steam release. It may be that 3 DLC will be before Steam and 2 will be after this release. I suppose that Canny suggestions can be easier to implement than full DLC. Of course canny suggestions must go along with developer’s vision of the game.

Ok, not to be a pain but would it be good to start a new game then or is the next dlc right around teh corner? I just don’t want to start a new game if the dlc drops soon after and I have to start over :slight_smile:

DLC is planned to release somewhere between August and September so you have a month to finish playthrough.

Not exactly :). DLC 2 is scheduled for August. I would say you have 3 weeks between Cthulhu and DLC2. But it is not like you will have to start a new campaign after the DLC because it will break your saves. You will “just” have to start a new campaign to activate the DLC.


So will it include any work on the laggy maps that make it unplayable? Because until that is done then the rest really don’t mean much if you can’t play it, it really is that simple… Not sure why this is not a priority!

If you mean Synedrion maps, then they should already run better since Unity 2019 update (released on 7th of July).

Today I returned to Phoenix Point after some months, and guys, these loading times are killing any sense of joy. Start Game, loading, Intro, loading, choose New Game, loading, ok we got the Geoscape, Move/Explore/Deploy, more loading. Several minutes - minutes! - are needed just to go from launching the game to entering a tactical mission, without going through any kind of base/research/equip menu. Mission itself runs fine. Not that much of a loading when exiting the mission.

Also, first mission is the Syn one. An enemy soldier shoots my sniper with the pistol for times. Each time: camera zooms to enemy soldier, he slowly gets his weapon and shoots. Camera zooms to my soldier, shows damage done and then just stays there for a second for no reason. Then it repeats: camera zooms to enemy soldier, he slowly gets his weapon and shoots. Camera zooms to my soldier, shows damage done and then just stays there for a second for no reason. It repeats yet again: camera zooms to enemy soldier, he slowly gets his weapon and shoots. Camera zooms to my soldier, shows damage done and then just stays there for a second for no reason. And then yet again: camera zooms to enemy soldier, he slowly gets his weapon and shoots. Camera zooms to my soldier, shows damage done and then just stays there for a second for no reason.

I spent like 70 to 80% of playing time just staring at loading screens and unnecessary movements. Unfortunately, it still stands that I would not recommend Phoenix Point to a friend. And with less than half year for the Steam release, arguably the “official” release, I fear time is running out.

And a suggestion for the art team: guys, get more awesome pictures and designs for the research screens. I remember in both OGXcom and Xenonauts being astonished by the research pictures, such a clever way of instilling atmosphere to the game

Loading Time: For me it is just similar to XCom 2