Why am I seeing people posting videos today about the game that does not get officially released for 12 more hours? Also why is the release date set for 11am pt? Who does that?
on twitch is broadcasting without permission the release version.one I’m looking at Russian streamer is stream Baker build everything as it should be.as I understand it everything is fine.and I’m very disappointed
He’s playing Backer Build 5
If he is playing Backer Build 5 then why did he say in a previous video that he had to wait for the release of Phoenix Point ‘which is how I even heard about this game’
he asks him have issued press release version of (release) game can be stream?
He even states on his youtube that this is a full release version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrEvYh3rWQQ&t=2801s
Christopher Odd does have a pre-release press version, and he is allowed to show it. We were talking about the Russian streamer who is currently live on Twitch. That is Backer Build 5
Im going to bed, I am confused as to why everything I read says release date 12/03 but it is actually 5 hours shy of 12/04 why not just say 12/04. I know it sounds stupid. But when a person gets excited for a new game just to find out they have to wait for almost 24 more hours is disappointing.
because we chatted shouted do not run the press release run better Baker build
Because Time Zones are a thing. It doesn’t matter which day we release on, it will still be a different day somewhere else. Snapshot Games is based in Bulgaria. It will be December 3rd at the studio when the game is released.
so my grievance is with the way he has worded things. there seems to be an implication that he was waiting for the full release version and that he is playing a full release version. By the way he is the way I heard about this game. SO. Kudos for the word of mouth. He should have made if very clear he is playing with special permission. I am ready to play now.
LOL, Barely, 10:22am in Bulgaria right now. The release date and time for the game if I read right is 12/03 19:00 GMT. so it will be 22:00 in Bulgaria. That made me laugh.
Im just impatient. Just like a little kid wanting to play with my new toy. Can not even download the wallpapers or sound track yet.
Our office is in LA. It will be 11am
I can not do math. LOL. All the forums I looked at from redit to here why does your name pop up on all of them? Is this your job? If so how do you deal with idiots like me all the time?
Don’t suppose there is any news on it coming to gamepass? Is that looking likely to be the 3rd as well?
Probably not. The code has been sent to MS for certification and it’s down to how long they take to pass it. The length of time can vary depending on who is doing the assessment - but we’ve been told it should be a week at the latest. I haven’t heard any news about it being available today
Dang that’s a shame, it’s hard to justify buying it seperately when I have game pass - thanks for the update
How many hours now Dad?
Soon John, Soon.