Phoenix Point declining player-base

Something like


As long as you prove product is defective, I am right. And it’s not only coal and gas.

Repair or replacement
The retailer has one opportunity to repair or replace any goods or digital content that are of unsatisfactory quality, unfit for purpose or not as described, before you can claim a refund.

You can choose whether you want the goods to be repaired or replaced, but the retailer can refuse if they can show that your choice is disproportionately expensive compared with the alternative.

You’re entitled to a full or partial refund instead of a repair or replacement if any of the following are true:

The cost of the repair or replacement is disproportionate to the value of the digital content
Repair or replacement is impossible
Repair or replacement would be significantly inconvenient
Repair would take unreasonably long
Repair has been unsuccessful.
If the attempt at a repair or replacement is unsuccessful, you can then claim a refund or a price reduction if you wish to keep the product.