Phoenix Point Controls

In main menu of the game you have Guide. But well, here you have it…

key function
q/e rotate camera
t/g zoom in/out camera
w/s/a/d or arrows move camera in battle and on geoscape
z/c or mmb scroll change camera elevation
mmb hold max zoom out
tab/shift+tab cycle between soldiers on mission or in roster screen or when in aim mode between enemies or between dropships on geoscape
x cycle prepared items
i inventory
1/2/3/4 select weapon
f fire
y overwatch
r reload
ctrl+mmb scroll change overwatch cone width
space end soldiers turn
backspace/end end faction turn
alt highlight ground objects
f1 help
f2 turn UI on/off
` or / console
f12 bug reporting feature
esc cancel action
lmb select or confirm things
rmb move soldier or cancel
lmb hold rotate geoscape or rotate soldier on roster inventory screen or move view of battle area
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