That is to say, i have not tried the beta. And, you will have to forgive me for my english, since i’m french, actually.
So… I don’t know if the thoughts of a random Joe like me will be of any interest, but still. I wanted to share my impressions. Feel free to pass
I’m interested in PP since the Fig campain. I could not back it at the time, but it happens that when i discovered this project, i was playing the Firaxis Remake (the first one) of UFO. A pretty good game. But i felt that it lacked many things. I particularly disliked the fact that the game forcefully pushed on you the idea of choice in a very unnatural manner (You’ll always have 2 or 3 alien invasions at the same time, with no chance to build a strategy around development of radars).
In the end, Firaxis’ XCOM is quite good, but still feel shallow to me. The soldier classes are stiff, it lacks options for weaponry and equipement, the LoS are broken, the campain is too short, and the tactical combat is, imo, not even as complex as the first 2 UFO from more than 20 years ago (which i still play from time to time). So, when i discovered PP i wanted to play it right away :D. A real urge which implied frustration.
Because PP is promising. I haven’t read everything, there are still things about the game i don’t know, but i’m wondering how you could fund such a complex and (visually) attractive game with such a low budget.
Probably, the players who consider a game broken if they can’t steamroll it without using their brain will complain about the complexity of PP. But know what? i don’t care. I definitely plan to buy this game. I like that my brains will be challenged. I like the customization options. I like the art (all of it). I like the tactical complexity it seems to offer. I like that there are still developers who won’t dumb everything down in order to be sure that Kevin, 10 yo, will be able to beat it, playing with his feet. And i like that the game is pushed back to 2019 (because i felt that it was much needed, since the start. Oh, will the Fig Campain stretch goals be added or…?)
Hum, if there is one thing i want to say, it is: “give us a deep, challenging, and flexible game, which will make us use our brains and our imagination. Don’t hold our hands, dont railroad things. Allow us to develop preventive strategies. Strategy is not all about tactical combat, but about managing our base and the geoscape, too”.
That’s more than one thing, i know. It may sound like a pointless rant, but i really wanted, after seeing what PoE 2 became, to send a reminder. Not everyone want convenient crap, some like to manage their resources, and Game Over is part of the game.
Regards everyone. I will continue reading these forums