First of all - I’m really, REALLY impressed by all changes that happened… (will post them in separate thread soon)
You had to have many of those things prepared earlier but kept them away from previous Backers Builds. Ok lets get to those feedback point:
- I’m not sure if I like new system of refueling. It definitely make traveling easy, but I suppose I would like see automatic refueling only in friendly havens (even without building there any refueling station). Otherwise I would leave the emergency refueling in other places even for the cost of 10 materials - always something to keep in mind and reason to keep good relations with havens.
- Event system is quite interesting feature
If it will be also randomized (I mean not the event placement, but also event outcomes - so if you find the same event second time it will give you something slightly different) then that would lead to incredible strategy layer replayability.
- I like that weapons and armors vary between factions, with all 3 factions and our Project in place, it will give quite many items to choose from
- I begin to love lack of restrictions on class equipment - that you can put your assault in heavy armor with attached missile launcher and sniper rifle in hands, it has some downsides, but you can do it! Earlier only heavy could use missile launcher due to some algorithm restriction, if only proficiency skill were more clear and connected with ‘class filter’ in inventory that would be great
- Perk system may be really good if those perks will give something substantial. Right now big part of them don’t give anything interesting (like proficiency in silenced weapons when there aren’t any silenced weapons available)
- Inventory changes are really welcome addition, now it is not frustrating to select equipment for any soldier, or to exchange items between them during the mission
- I love visual effect of fire, and addition of fire mechanic is also welcome
- Those anu havens are fantastic
- Change of overwatch is great, it removes most of the frustration related to that ability
- Change of return fire also is welcomed update, now they don’t spam you with bullets throuth the whole map
- I like how crabmen were changed, they are easier to kill as such basic creature should be, but they also pose higher threat than before, it feels like encountering first enemies in original XCOM
- Addition of all those phisical and psychical conditions is great, it assures that your soldiers won’t be safe to every form of attack available in the game, unless you will give us armors and equipment which will protect at the same time vs acid, bleed, fire, goo, panic, poison, stun or virus
- I like sound indicators showing where is the enemy
- I really like Siren and Chiron aliens, they bring interesting variety to crabmen + mind fragger combo, Fireworm is also nice addition, but well I don’t let them too close (did it once for test purpose and that was enough)
but please don’t reveal more aliens before release
- I don’t like those game crashes after explosions, some condition related to environment destruction must make game unstable
- You should make something with those attack animations. Sometimes it is nice to see some burst or swing from different angle than isometric view, but here it is overwhelming and boring at some point
- Restore soldier’s “spot enemy&stop” feature during movement - it is frustrating that they run, even have pop up info that they spotted enemy, but they run further… that was one of key features of previous builds that made it so different than FiraXCOMs.
- Also restore environment durability from BB3 (but new physics system should stay, just need some polishing), because right now cover disappears like in some fairy tale.
- New mission objectives are fine, but Civilians AI need some work, also spread of resources crates should be reworked (but you probably know that, and there are just not all systems in place yet which will make those missions more ‘reasonable’)
- You really need to explain perception system, or say if it is really in place or we just see some skills and armor properties which are not doing anything right now