Last boss - bugs (Spoilers)

I just completed my playthrough with the last patch on Legend… Took me forever because I play around an hour a day, or so. This is the first time Mark of the Void worked on any of my runs.

I don’t want to sound rude, or to offend anyone, but it seems to me the problems some players are having with this map is due to misunderstanding how Mark of the Void works, which is thusly:

  1. The Yuggothian Entity (YE) starts applying MoV a little after the player crosses the “gates”. (So the sensible thing is to deal with the 3 explosive Chirons before crossing the gates, which is very easy since IME then they won’t even attack you)

  2. The MoV is a marker (as you can read in the description of the attack/effect):

  • It does 40 damage to the soldier afflicted by the marker and friendlies within 5 tiles of him (seems to decrease with distance, as I had some soldiers receive only 20 damage). @mcarver2000 that’s what the 5 tiles refer to, not the distance to the YE.

  • If two soldiers have the marker and they are within 5 tiles of each other, they will each receive damage from their MoV and the MoV of the other soldier. @LouisdeFuines that’s why you saw some of your soldiers receive damage of more than 40, because you had a bunch of them each with a MoV all within 5 tiles of each other.

  1. Each turn the YE applies the MoV once to a different soldier.

You can bring up to 9 soldiers on the mission. It takes 4 turns, or less to cover the distance from the gates to the YE (and that’s with SPD of around 20, no Frenzy or any stuff like that), so you might get 4 soldiers with the MoV before you reach the YE, and really only 1 or 2 will have taken any serious damage provided you soldiers don’t go in a closely packed turtle formation.

You don’t need Technicians, you don’t need to bring piles of medpacks, the YE is a poor artichoke stuck in a pit; there is no convoluted puzzle to deal with here, just have your guys keep some distance between them and keep a brisk pace…

I hope this helps, but if it doesn’t I think the solution there is to have the YE cast the MoV once every 2-3 turns on Rookie difficulty, instead of every turn.

(This notwithstanding my feelings towards this last mission, which I think merits a complete rework).