I am writing after playing since initial release… and NEVER getting anywhere close to completing it. I am writing this now because I am just frustrated and it is not fun to play.
- There are so many issues with playability. Not anywhere near enough resources, is the first problem and the amount you use to manufacturer things makes it much much worse. There is no balance there.
- Next, line of sight and overwatch suck, to be blunt. It does not work worth a damn… 50% of time when it is setup, creatures still just run through or open fire after moving into a zone.
- Myrmidons and small creatures vs the tracked armor vehicles. From the beginning, they should be able to run over and squash the smaller things like myrmidons and face huggers etc. The idea you have to “upgrade” or research tech to do so, is utterly ridiculous. For larger creatures they should do some damage running into them, knock downs or stuns. This idea a armor unit lacks the mass takes away any believability.
- Myrmidons and other creatures have upward of 4 attacks or more when they did not move. Yet humans have two? One if they need to reload. And creatures get multiple attacks even when they run all the way across the map it seems. Can’t tell you how many times this stuff cost me a character or even the mission
- We are supposed to get any left gear on the ground, on bodies or crates when we complete a mission… screen even states as much… .yet NEVER does it give us any of that loot. Not once have I ever seen it pull the loot from the map for our inventory. It’s broken still.
- Almost forgot one! Cover. Does not work worth a damn either. Unless you are straight on with a target, they ALWAYS hit you with solid strikes. If you move to solid cover but there is even a slight angle of line of sight for the AI, the cover is worthless. If the AI is straight in front of you, cover appears to work as it should… But if they are any more than 5-10 degrees at an angle to you from the front, all bets are off.
There are other smaller issues but for now, these are the most serious I have found. There might be even more the farther in you get and the higher level you go… except I can’t seem to get there… I don’t like speed running or games that use timers at a pace that takes away the fun. I.E., I don’t want to have to force one path to accomplish the game because the clock is going so fast that you don’t really have time to do or enjoy anything else.
I hope these issues are and will be looked into because for now, I am putting the game aside… I stream it when I play but my frustration has finally reached a limit so for now, I am putting it aside.
I will gladly dive back in when and if some of these major problems are finally addressed.