I think you are referring to opportunity costs - so if you defend a Haven, do you lose the opportunity to do something else (like defend another Haven, or go on a different kind of mission). The answer is no, not really, but the constant attacks in different places can make it difficult to respond to all of them if you are not fielding enough teams and will make you postpone (rather than opt out of) doing other missions.
Admittedly, that’s what happened to me in my first playthrough. When I saw some research taking a long time, I spammed half a dozen labs. However, I doubt that most first-time players will perceive, e.g. 10 days as a very long time to complete a research. In PP that’s a life time though.
Also @Tam. AFAIK a Haven will lose population due to starvation as long as its population exceeds its food production/the food production of nearby friendly Havens, so the attrition rate due to starvation should actually go down eventually, though it goes up again once the Haven is covered in mist.
However, my idea rather than giving the players a constantly changing estimate on when they may lose, is to give a sense of proportion, so the player had an understanding of how many people are dying each day due to starvation and how that compares to losing an entire Haven to an attack.
Yes, I think that the general feeling is that the Haven defense missions are too frequent (and for some players it’s frustrating, while for others just tedious).
I wonder though if there is anybody who is happy with the current system and could speak to it…?
I have created a new topic to discuss ideas on how to add strategic options to protect Havens, to reduce the number of Haven defense missions.