Goo Chiron doesn`t unlock Research of Goo Shoes

The Goo Repeller (capture a Pandoran with Goo ability) research shows up along with all of the other vivisection research (including capturing a Chrion).

I’m also pretty sure you have to get gooed once to get this research.

Edit: But that is pretty irrelevant to that bug as you already have this research :wink:

I went back to a previous save before getting Goo’ed and the research option is in the list. So, why would it be there if it wasn’t a goal? Besides I did get Goo’ed on the mission where I captured the Goo’er Chiron. And that Chrion was not a Goo’er when viewed in containment.

Currently, I don’t know, but that was definitely not the case in my play through … before the newest patch.


This is definitely a Bug that I also get into.

I can confirm this bug as well. Had it before DLC, too.

Unfortunately, I seem to also have a different sort of bug - I cant access the Containment tab in Personnel so I can’t check what kind of Chiron I have captured.

Building extra Containments in other bases did not help. I haven’t unlocked the mutagenic lab in this campaign (yet). I also dont have the Containment in the Phoenix Point base.

It shows as “0/50” in Containment (and the bar is greyed out) even though I have at least 5-6 captured Pandorans.

Has anyone hit on this other bug too?

edited: it magically self corrected, a new batch of captures showed up and it’s no longer greyed out. Hoozah.