Just want to say before hand, I ain’t a programmer, but I get the impression it is hard work. I actually really enjoyed what was in the final mission and thought their were a lot of things done right. (Multiple nemesis monsters, moving structures, great detail in the distinction between a palace vs and citadel, even the model for the final entity was well crafted and animated so good work to the developers on that). What I have is just a list of suggestions and questions on what I think would improve the overall experience. By all means take everything I write with a grain of sea salt and feel free to comment/critique I just wanted to contribute to a game I feel can go along way.
-mist usage: one thing I was hoping to see in the final mission was more of the mist present throughout the stage, kinda was hoping the palace would be oozing with the stuff. Maybe instead of seeing a bottomless pit below like in the other pandora structures, we could instead have a layer of still mist giving a creepy vibe on what could potentially lurk below, heck we could even have enemies surprise spawn on the stage by crawling up over the side.
-tendrils: if the receptacle can move indestructible barriers in front of its face why does it need tendrils to also cover up its eyes? I find this a bit of a uncharacteristic behavior to the big bad of the story and I think those body parts could be better used in a more offensive manner. How about making the tendrils a unique hazard on the map. Instead of being directly attached to the receptacle head they instead rise up from the bottom of the stage to dish out massive damage to select areas of the map. Your squad would have a limited time to respond to the rising threat and would either have to disable the tendril before it finished its attack or get out of its reach before slamming down. This would keep your squadron on the move during the level while making the entity feel more powerful and threatening. Also, this could allow you to increase the size of the entities head without the currently small tendrils giving you animation issues.
-synod of yearning: I’ve always enjoyed a bit of banter during tense and final stages of games, while I would prefer not giving and inconceivable entity a human like quality of wit perhaps this can be side stepped by allowing the synod to act as a sort of deranged disfigure puppet. Basically when you start the assault the synod is overseeing the initial battle from a protected location mocking your troops based on who you aligned with. As the battle progresses however the rantings of the synod become more incoherent and distraught as they are slowly being consumed from within. Maybe we can even have a discourse of the three voices taking place as two of the synod voices praising their dead god while the third is cowering in fear of it and calling out for help. Ultimately the synod is consumed as the squad presses on to finish the final mission. I feel like this would amplify alien horror element into the real danger of the story while still not revealing too much into the big bads final motives outside of human assumption.
-Unique Synedrion approach: the NJ approach was fine with blasting the heck out of the entity and having the exalted with us In The DOA ending was cool but I feel like synedrion could have a little more emphasis on neutralizing the entity without killing it, maybe by placing and defending devices on key location of the map that drain and weaken the entity of its will and strength over time to the point where it unwillingly submits control. I think paralyzing the final boss would be a fun, different, and challenging approach from the norm, not that their isn’t anything wrong with ripping the receptive a new face.
-additional attacks: other than spawning additional enemies, placing and AOE physic mark attack and shifting its throne shield around I think that adding a few more unique attacks couldn't hurt. The previously mentions tendril hazards slamming and sweeping across the map could help but maybe their could be a sort of stackable debuff ability from its eyes where it fires some type invisible physic bullet at your troops that mess with their heads and reduces their overall stats until they go crazy and you lose control of them. Maybe an instakill ability where it consumes one of your soldiers randomly, not only gaining a portion health and will back but transforming the soldiers body into a freshly new mutant with their equipment for you to fight.
All of these are simply suggestion I don’t anticipate any of these to be taken seriously I just wanted to share and everyone shall do what they wish with this. Happy 2020 and Peace.