On the random map I tried to get 2 of the crabmen that spawn with the queen to shoot her. She was between me and them, each time I shoot her, they both counter fire threw her. I did not see her get damage from those attack, but my guys (especially the sniper) got hit by that counter fire from across the map.
So I wonder, did anyone succeed in getting the enemy to shoot another enemy?
So far I’ve only seen an AI accidentally kill itself by standing too close to its grenade (it fired it directly against the cover it was standing behind).
I have definitely seen enemy crabmen accidentally shoot their Queen. On none of those occasions did she actually take damage, but in fairness, I think that’s a reflection of the weapons they were using and her heavy armor. They couldn’t seem to harm my Heavy infantry I was using to draw their fire for “testing purposes”. (Had nothing to do with the fact that I was out of machine gun ammo, truly!)
That make sense, one of my last game, after grenading and rocketing her, one of the crabmen did a single wound on the queen, I did notice that some crabmen refuse to attack when too close to her, mostly the shield with grenade launcher.
I had a crabman shoot the queen once. It was an already crippled limb and I think it had 2 armour left. The crabman did 2 damage to it and I think they might have stripped another bit of armour.