This is one of the things to understand though - the Backer Builds aren’t about player “recommendations” entering the build. We’re not looking to the players for design ideas (unless we specifically appeal for input on a certain thing). We have a plan for what goes into the build and when (which is based on our development order).
OK, then best of the hopes is that what gets to be the same or similar.
I would call you then to give at least hints how some of things will be resolved in the final edition,
and pick what you value good for DLCs and later work, be it PP2 in few years.
I have no doubts it will anyway be a good game and market success.
On the bright side, Vargata accusing anyone of being aggressive is like a sad story of pots, kettles and blackness.
I’m still waiting for his proof that FiraXcom RNG is flawed, despite studies showing otherwise. The best I had so far is , well actually nothing beyond “plenty of people have posted epic fails on youtube”. Until then, I won’t exactly put too much weight on his rants
Back to the topic, I wouldn’t worry too much about exact balance, but armor feels a little bit over the top, especially coupled with high HP of stuff like the armadillo. I’m wondering if anybody has theorycrafted the probable number of shots it’d take to destroy one using current crabmen weaponry.
The issue with such strong armor is that human players are usually better than AI at taking advantage of it, due to better prioritization of shots, positioning and general strategy. Long War MECs were the closest thing to armored troops I can think of to compare and they were more fragile than this. Yet they were highly durable since smart players would kill anti armor enemies asap.
That could create an interesting balance challenge for you guys. We’ll see what comes of it.
Thats good but if you are too rigid, you might be the only one playing it at the end well, i was joking. To be rather serious though, ive already posted earlier in the topic you derailed and then locked for being derailed, the rng based aiming will always be scrap. What happens here and causes these annoying random wrapon destructions is the fact that computers dont have a proper random and that rnd100≤10 is not the same as rnd10≤1 (even though they should be) when the enemy shoots with little chance to hit, there is a reroll if it damages weapons and no matter how low the chance you set, even at 1% it will happen a lot. Like fxcom 95% misses. That with a proper system in place should nearly never happen. Look, i know you are proud of working on such a project, Julien was my childhood hero (yeah, some guys have superman, i had a geek
) but im a dev myself been working on randomness, especially weapons but lottery too, simply taking a random number to decide success or failure is a huge mistake, random numbers should only be limited multipliers of skills. So many of you, even people like sid meier have a false perception of randomness in computers. Keep a healthy distance with them for the sake of your customers happiness… Even your forum is bugged on android. It takes touches 2 lines above the real event
so when i press reply it highlights the position 2 lines above the button
Been there, seen that, and I’m much happier with a studio that has a vision and will occasionally nudge it one way or the other if they read something cool than studios that just add stuff that the community asks for without rhyme or reason.
There’s a lot of ideas floated on these forums. Some good, some bad, some impractical, some that sound cool but would be quite shitty in practice, some that would be awesome … just not for THIS game and, frankly, most devs I know don’t have that much time to spend on forums, especially when they work on a project that’s already been postponed.
Well everyones experience was EW was made too be too much random and not strategic, much more then LS/Xcom. There we loved it as improbabality machine, EW has made us hate it a bit.
Back to original topic, its easy to balance. Foot soldiers needs to be faster or we need at least one more jetpack on map. Thats it. Vehicle save the days just by speed to run away and cover a bit. Yes, Ramming and Turret are nice, but introduction of one more weapon or infantry class can do it.
And we are not speaking of no new feat.
yeah, it’s annoying
FiraXcom actually lacks randomness, There’s so many ways to improve your odds with skill, gear and positioning that your soldiers don’t miss very often after the first month or so. If this fails, add guaranteed damage through explosive or skills and it becomes an annoying example of reverse difficulty.
In any case, the game having too much randomness does not mean the RNG is flawed. It’s been studied and proven correct using different methods (examples : here and here)
There was much fuss about it. But then again, as you know, my overall experience of the game was one of a bad reboot, an simple console like game. Something like Civilization Revolutions. Ngage version of Civilization 1-2 was far more complex.
But BB feels like far less randomness and more strategy, and I am quite glad about it.
I am not against studio having its own vison, I would like to hear more about it then I can
read on feature page. Users feedback should be taken somewhere, and shown to developers once they do the game. Feedback to actual game will be far more valuable. Some of the greatest app software like Photoshop and nice games in some days were build on good communication with its own community. Hereby I mean tradition of releases and improvement, not the first release. Even Linux OS and FLOSS eco sys.
And you believe in them way too much even though they are missing every professionalism… as you say its lacking randomness but its the PLANNED randomness. Again as you say skills and tools take it away with making everyone having nearly always 90-95% chance to hit. Based on this the game should be awful easy and still it isnt exactly because of the flawed rng (and the rigging that helps both npcs and players)
This is a good point. Feedback is more useful to us once the game is a little further along. Once most of the major mechanics are in, and we can see how they are all working together, that is a good time for a public shakedown. Before we hit that stage, it’s difficult for user feedback to synergise with what the game has planned.
We’re currently working on a public facing development roadmap, which will allow us to share with you what we have planned, what is being worked on, and where we are in the process.
Seeing people rage at the RNG in nuXCOM is always amusing.
As it happens, humans are pretty darn bad at intuiting probablity. Hence, many people are convinced on some level that an 80+% shot is always a sure thing…when the reality is that if you take five 80% shots, about one of them is going to miss.
And, because people generally don’t take shots under 70% unless desperate, they will notice the misses more than the hits.
Hence, XCOM 2 hilariously has the RNG cheat in the player’s favour in some situations, so as to make shot percentages more in line with what people intuitively feel it should be like.
Actually its not bad “intuiting”, its a realistic issue but some can believe in any explanation no matter how false it is and only made to defend the game, just as much as saving my last surviving soldier against 10+ successive “should not miss” shots is not “in some situations”. A well developed random system would not need cheating, the problem is that jake have overdone both, their rng is horrible and that makes their game cheat insanely lot even on legend difficulty where they said players get no help… They put all the work into a “fixing the issue code” instead of putting it into fixing the issue itself.
Ohh, and its not hilarious or any kind of special, every game has it, even ufo def had it
You are factually wrong. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
The EU/EW shots operate on a simple 1d100 roll. This has been proved multiple times, no matter how many people whine about the “unfairness” of it. Nothing “horrible” about it.
XCOM 2 does not do the RNG adjustment on Legend, despite what you say. And anyway, if you are in a situation in which your soldier finds him/herself under fire from 10+ different shots, you are honestly playing awfully. Git gud, son.
…and you’re really telling us that UFO 1994 cheated in the player’s favour, too? Care to back that up with a source?
EDIT: Here’s how the XCOM 2 RNG adjustment works.
Again commenting on others with a belittling style. This seems to be only alloved for fanbois ups, now i will get again for hitting back…
Or maybe just testing the game… Lol, these assumptions… Yes the game DOES HELP on legend. This is a legend gameplay opening battle turn on subs… And this isnt something just happened once, ive made the video after i was sure its happening again and again… (When down to last soldier im “lucky” 14 times in a row hitting all shots while dodging all enemy shots)
JG himself said it in an fxcom interview but if UV asks him he can confirm it here himself… he said he had no time to balance the game so instead he made a dynamic difficulty system so if game was too harsh it became easier and if it was too easy it became harsher… Otherwise just seek it up on youtube, takes some research and my time is far too precious for that now to do it for you.
I think this thread has run its course. It has devolved into little more than bickering now and has totally derailed from the original point which was heard and addressed. Topic closed.