Difficulty of the game - too high ot too low?

That is actually not true, NJ also attacks nests, lairs and citadels and if the player can time it than he can join the attack.
Here I was able to join a NJ attack on a lair: Nice combined Lair attack with New Jericho

It is funny and I’m also with you that we need more variety, but actually I would prefer simply lesser of these missions at all, regardless of haven defenses, nests, lairs or citadels. Over 100 missions for one campaign is a lot IMO :wink:

I agree that we need less missions but more variety so each camapign would feel more unique. But ultimately it’s not ammout of mission that makes it feel that way. It’s how it’s presented. Campaign / choosing missions is too predictable.

I haven’t seen NJ attacking anything. How does that work?


They have a unique facility that is similar to our satellite uplink and when they have build it they can detect pandoran structures on their own and will attack them. If it is one structure that the player also can see then he will also see this attack.

So random as hell and very rare :slight_smile:


Ok but how does it look in battle? This is only on the globe or what?

Look in the linked thread, I’ve done some screenshots.

It is mainly the same as in haven defenses that you can overtake the NJ soldiers. They also got several reinforcements during this mission, so at the end I had a very nice and overpowered little army there.

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That’s very nice. Why is it so rare? Like I’m on 10th of March. Didn’t see any such thing.

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In my case it is so rare because I destroy any nest, lair or citadel as soon as possible. So there is only very little chance that NJ has a haven with this sattelite uplink nearby to detect and attack the same base before I do.


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I as well. So you need to not do missions to have that? Strange mechanics but whatever works I guess. Although I had multiple times pandoran structures on for long time and I’ve never seen this. Is there a pop-up with info that they’re attacking?

It seems mechanics are the same as in HD. They just spawn like there with circles? Are they actually doing anything usefull on their own?

It would be better sometimes to control them from the start without PP on the map, only arriving after X turn as reinforcments. It would open up some new gameplay. Like you could get reputation if you actually rescue them meaning they live to the end. No more free rep gaining. And the player wouldn’t fear loosing them as their own soldiers. So you could actually make same slaughter mission.

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No, unfortunately not, you have to check any visible pandoran base from time to time and then also a squad nearby to joint the attack. And you have to wait until they attack first, otherwise it is a player only attack. Maybe you can predict it if a NJ Thunderbird is flying in the direction of a base, but I guess it will be not easy to detect.

It would be nice if we would get a pop-up or NJ would contact us beforehand to do a combined attack, dependent o reputation of course.


I’ll put this on feedback. Probabely had this if there is no pop-up. You would need to look those litlle airplanes, right? Is there a pop-up if the structure was destroyed by faction and you’ve not participated? I saw once that the number of pandoran structures changed. I wondered what was happening.

For me, again, it’s because I don’t have to. It serves 0% benefit for me. It just slows me down from formally finishing the game when I’ve already practically done so. And there’s no negative consequence for skipping it.

Which is a horrible situation given it’s basically THE purpose of the game (destroying the bases of the enemy)

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I agree with needing variety 100%. But my point remains that a mission that serves no purpose is nothing but a PITA and is a deterrent of itself.

Purpose you mean like from story cohesion point of view or campaign gameplay?

Yeeeeeees please!


No, also not :frowning:

This happens when researching the Citadel is finished, then any pandoran base in scanning range will be revealed, also when new ones spawn.
And of course also when NJ destroys a base that was visible before. Happens to me from time to time and then I only saw a NJ Thunderbird hovering over a destroyed base.

That explains why I’m in march and didn’t see this.

Both really. But specifically from campaign gameplay. At least on veteran, after you reach a point, there is no perceivable change in whether or not you defend havens or attack nests. All risk, minimal reward.

And from an RP perspective - why not let my enemies die?

I agree and it’s kind of a trap. Because the game presents it as you would need to do them and should. You’re leading a player in more monotonous activities and they are not design to do over and over endlessly. A player doesn’t know that and later you have only like 4% who actually end the game. Like new players don’t know from the start that you shouldn’t do as much missions as possible because it’s bad. You discover that after playing some time.

But I still believe current problems can be addressed. We just need outside the box thinking to do that within game current features and devs willingness to actually implement them.


Hey - if we could join factions attacking lairs and stuff: why can’t we ask them to join us in special missions if we are allied…


Well, its not difficulty that bothers me, but repetivity of the game towards end, as well pointed. Needs a bit of rework.