Changing AP system from 4 to 8 (or even 12)?

… or even more with the new Vidar Grenade Launcher, 1 AP ormal, 0 AP with Boom Blast. The only thing to do is dual class Assault to Heavy or vice versa because the Vidar is an Assault GL. And because it is an Assault GL any soldier with the Trooper perk is also proficient to use it (if this isn’t a bug), so with a bit of luck you can build something like this:

  • The new Vidar grenade launcher, 1 AP with the downside of being as weak as the starting Odin grenade (50 damage / 10 shred) and has only 1 shot.
  • Boom Blast, the Vidar can launch grenades for 0 AP, reloads for free and 50% more range (30 instead of 20).
  • Sneak Attack, now the damage is pretty good.
  • Trooper makes the Heavy / Infiltrator proficient to use the Vidar.

Only limit is the Inventory and resources to refill the ammo …

I would vote for this: