On the Pure vs Synedrion mission, and in various cases, Aspida vehicle tend to selfdestruct for no reason! needs a hotfix ASAP
I can confirm that, Synedrion map, also Thunder and Sunshine independent haven mission
- Another fun day in haven!
I had the same thing happen with enemy Aspida.
I also recently had an Armadillo spawn in on a steal aircraft mission against NJ, then have it disappear next round after I’d disabled its turret and wheels.
This is normal, when their weapon is disabled they retreat, also enemies when they cannot do anything because of disabled arms.
Thanks for that, it makes sense now!
Up. With the new update, can someone confirm that the Aspida selfdestruct for no reason bug has been fixed? Very important please. I stopped playing for this as it feels like cheating and gamebreaking and i really want to come back ( i ll test it my self too ofcourse )
apparently reading patch notes it is the case, the problem with Aspida is not easy to repro, not happening in every mission in Synedrion maps, I am afraid you have to try by yourself
I confirm it happened in the last patch (1.10 Orryx), I thought it was normal.
For me it happened what the ASPIDA was the only enemy left, it drove up to near (but not close enough for the explosion radius if there was one to actually impact my guy) one of my guys and then exploded.
There’s probably a hole in the map that the vehicle runs into that kills it. To reproduce this, a save game is needed.