So i just went into the third NJ mission, had to escort a guy to an extraction point. Started off not seeing any enemies, moved my priest into the nearest building and some blips pop up, moved her a bit further and those revealed five infiltrators. No biggie, sent in a pair of assaults and shotgunned them all down. The following turn a huge pile of infiltrators start shooting from out of range, between daze and poison disabling 4 of my 6 man crew.
So i restarted, moved into the same building with the entire squad and let them come to me… At the start of my second turn i had 8 visible infiltrators plus 4 or 5 blips nearby. Had one shotgun assault pop his level 7 ability and started on a mad dash to take out as many as he could, 8 infiltrators died to him and he almost one shot a 9th. My two snipers took another 2 out and finished the one damaged by the first assault, finally causing a mass panic. 12 hostiles dead on turn two… and then i have my second assault do the same thing, i think he only took out 4 more infiltrators. Nothing else in sight, no more blips on the map… moved the quest guy on closer to evac zone. On turn 3 the final infiltrator pops into view, so i send a shotgun assault to put him down and then evac everyone…
I don’t mind numerous weak enemies… but 17 of a single class? Mix in some snipers and assaults, throw in an apc or something. 17 infiltrators was rather absurd.