Here are my thoughts about the game
I came back to the game after months as I was very disappointed from the original release.Here are some thoughts I have.
Pace of the game is completely broken. It starts well and after a while you get everyone attacking each other and you must spend the majority of the time to haven defending. After the middle most of the players just give up and let the havens get lost.
The pandaren mutations are in very high speed. In less than a month they have created and producing heavy units. The advancements should be on strategy level and not on shooter speed.
Having pandaren- 3 factions-the pure and the archeological sites are way to much.combined with the extreme speed that everything escalates into the game. After a couple of weeks the rookie units are plain useless.The upgraded pandaren units as well the elite units and the bombardment units Imagine if you send a rookie squad to battle after 3-4 weeks. It is nearly impossible. That alone makes rookies useless and with the new training system you cannot effectively replace units . because you don’t produce anything you need a ship to go around just to trade resources. The pace and the amount of time to escalate this to be checked.
Siren : even with the nerf the unit is overpowered . It needs a shorter range on MC and LOS maybe a limit to MC one per unit.
Chiron : Those units are a complete joke a constant barrage of either gloo or acid of bombs or worms. Plus stun if you go too close. A suggestion would be the unit to have a cooldown. When I get 2 of them in a mission I just reload. No point of wasting my time.
Scylla: the endgame unit . Has a lot of hp and way more abilities with no cool down. Every turn you get mindflayers as well bombs and smoke and walking. How turns has this unit have?
Pure units: all units has an excessive armor resulting in assault units to be useless at a very high degree. Maybe the assault weapons needs a boost.
Vehicles : are still useless . you cannot go through enemies and once they do their low damage you cannot reload them. You should be able to disassemble them to get some resources. I understand they are overpowered if they had more firepower or step enemies but they just too useless at this stage.
Citadel map : the only walls that do not break down with heavy weapons. Very small for maneuver as well to hide. Constant enemies and the boss makes them annoying as hell. Needs some revisiting.
Lair : the mob to kill is always at the far end of the map with the constant enemies coming and the extraction of the units which make no sense as you have to walk all the way back needs some revisiting.
Archeological maps : units are WAY overpowered and they just one shot you.
Haven’s the added ( always ) 3 units was a good update. The AI of those units needs a lot of work. The havens should develop over time and add more defenders as well walls and automated defenses. It just doesn’t make any sense
I don’t see the point of every map to have contact flow of enemies. I mean you go into a mission kill the enemies and can complete the mission. It should be fixed. I am aware that the size of the maps will not get bigger but contact enemies is not the solution.
Having to fight all of the factions and pandaren and future dlc’s were more enemies will be added there is not enough time to create the amount of units needed. You just have to spend your time defending havens as it is the only way to get resources.
Factions attacking each other until the end also makes no sense there should be a way to at least make them attack each other less or maybe a new series of missions were they can go to neutral. Again once they start losing haven after haven they should focus on upgrading their defences or attacking pandarren.
Finding other Synedrion on my missions and attacking with me was a good add. Maybe more? Combined missions?
Resources are too many : 5 I believe and you can produce…one. It would make sense to add a way to make some of them .
Viral-acid and gloo have no effective counter ability. Either you will use an armor later in the game that has 0 armor and protects only for one of them. Maybe add a skill upgrade tree to armors . For example an armor to be able to be upgraded with some defenses for those attacks.
The Ai cheats a lot . you can see units moving half the map coming next to you hit you twice and go hide afterwards…It is so obvious and defo needs fixing.
A more upgraded tree for armor and weapons should be added. For example you have a sniper weapon that does viral and one that has shred and one that does good damage. How about adding some upgrade options to combine weapons as time goes on to be able to cope with the middle-end game.
I think too much are added and not enough ways to cope with them. The different damages as well the pace the resources and the factions needs more improvement .Did I mention that this is on rookie level?
Keep up the good work.