I play at hero diff and most of the missions got very few enemies. I use 6 to 7 men squads and most missions got less then 10 enemies.
At mid and late game, your soldiers start to fire and move much more. So if there is an enemy at LoS of your team, dies at next turn for sure. Most of them dies and others crippled. As you play much more better then AI and you catch them alone or they attack you alone, you can kill them easily.
Then the game becomes not so tactical. AI is sadly not so great at this game so they don’t make much plans, they don’t sneak, they don’t attack when they can… when they WCed, they just lose it totally even they still can harm you. I see some nice moves here and there but mostly meh…
So then the numbers becomes important. At ordinary missions like raiding, scavengering, tech stealing, sabotaging I see mostly few enemies and few of those few are dangerous. After you take time those some, then you just wait to win. For whole slow game, I reload my gun only 5 times maybe, not including Deceptor Rage Bursts… So this means there are not enough enemies.
Alien nests are good as they are already tight place. Citadel got very few enemies when it’s so huge and Lair’s got boss fights so it’s balanced.
Having 1 enemy support per 2 turns is very low… not necessary… not a thread… never… make it higher and limited… like 3 enemy per 2 turn for 3 times after you start mission so they can really support the enemies still standing. NO EVAC!!! Just send more enemies at less time. Make me think my tactic! Let me play the game rather then run out to evac and lose time more then I actually play.
Not related to this maybe but another big fail at enemy AI, they mostly don’t know how to cover. They can calculate LoS so somehow they can stop their turn when noone can shoot them but the problem is, I just can one step and still fire. Ay most of enemy turn, they go to a cover, a great one and then 1 step further to open ground. I ask “why??? I would not able to hit you behind that but now you are just open”…
If I can bring 7 soldiers, I expect much more footsoldiers from enemy… We still need a mid enemy just a bit little then Siren… probably a Crabman from TFTD. I don’t want 5 siren or 4 chiron per mission but much more from the little ones.
You can just make vehicles take 2 place rather then 3, so I can bring 1 vehicle and 5 soldiers against more enemies. Even you can make free vehicle slot per plain if you can give us more enemies.