You don’t. I’m talking about MY soldiers.
It used to be that in order to level the playing field on favour of the Pandas, I used a set of self-restrictions more than a page long, just to stop my soldiers from completely crippling them in the first couple of turns: What Self-Restrictions do you Use?
Now with the 3AP experiment, all I have to do is look at the AP bars of MY soldiers and ask: “Have you spent 3 APs yet?” If the answer is ‘no’, then I can do something with them - and because the 3AP limit naturally restricts the amount of QAs, Boom Blasts and other AP-increasing skills I can use, I no longer have to remember whether Sniper A has used 1 QA or 2: I just have to decide whether I want to use his 4th AP to squeeze off another QA, or whether I’d rather go into OW and take my chances when the Panda moves.