So what exactly is going on?

We have another backer update coming to the website very soon. Just a few small teasers in this one, as it’s all hands on deck at the moment. With the addition of a new head of marketing, we’ve wanted to take stock of all the things we haven’t shown yet. It’s important to both hold some things back so as not to reveal everything in the game before it’s been released, but also so we have some exclusive reveals we can give to press outlets for extra publicity before launch.

We will be producing more of these updates (and extra video content) hopefully every couple of weeks between now and release.

The person originally responsible for maintaining the roadmap Trello board is no longer with Snapshot. Our new head of marketing will be taking over this responsibility - but he’s only a few weeks into the job and has a mountain of other stuff he’s working on too - but it’s definitely on his to-do list.

We’re still very responsive to answering questions both here, on our Discord server, Facebook, Twitter and email - though as we get a lot of toxicity from people over the Epic deal, we’ve tried to give some people time to cool down a little before resuming frequent posting.