Quality of Life Suggestions

These are the possible suggestions that can improve general gameplay (Or so I think), nothing much to do with game balancing.

General Interface

  1. Add an icon directly in the Diplomacy tab for each faction on their portrait.
  2. A search function for the Manufacturing tab.
  3. Mouse-over function for class tabs instead of “Toggle class filter on/off”. This can be taught at the tutorial.
  4. Selecting Containment Facility also leads to contained specimens.
  5. Research Tab results can be linked to Phoenixpedia to improve on the general interactive content.
  6. Resource Trading: A list expandable to contain all tradeable resources which when selected, bring the player to the haven location. Act similarly with recruitment suggestion below on Unit Interface. May be implemented into Geoscape depends on how well it fits.
  7. Research contents: The results of researches should be shown first, then the content of the research, lore, etc.
  8. Color-coded faction items or opt for color-coding. For ease of viewing and quick sorting.
  9. Storage limit warning upon deployment into mission when storage is nearly full (95% capacity, or as a guideline). Currently, any loot obtained from a mission will be lost if storage is full, and there is no warning regarding this.
  10. Enable the option to turn off sound upon minimizing the game, or turn it off when the game is not the active window.

Unit Interface

  1. Unit status display for individual stats such as perception, stealth, damage amplification, accuracy modifier, EXP to level up, etc. A mouse-over display for what each stat does would be nice, but not mandatory as we already have Phoenixpedia for it.
  2. Recruitment list/tab for ease of locating the selected unit to recruit. Tab may also have class toggle function to toggle the visibility of certain units. Clicking on the unit will lead to the haven possessing the unit.
  3. Add a notification regarding the storage capacity. As of now, if storage capacity is full and you attempt to use the “+ammo” short cut, it just doesn’t do anything with no further information.

Combat Interface

  1. Scatter display for grenades, missiles, etc. Possibly to use a lighter color for possible scatter while a darker color to indicate intended area targetting.
  2. Weapon health display. Possibly as a mouse-over on the weapon itself.
  3. During movement, show the available target in the same order, but in a different color to indicate the enemies that are visible from the new position. Current interface shows via linking a line, however for targets that are beyond the screen are difficult to determine if they are visible from the new position.
  4. Overwatch area can be highlighted with a much more prominent color, e.g. blue.
  5. Detectable range indicator for stealth gameplay. Stealth unit will be detected upon entering marked tiles (E.g. XCOM red detection tile)
  6. Add targetable enemy indicator/line at each position for movement-based abilities such as Jetpack and Dash so it functions similarly as a regular movement.


  1. A form of quick-click to move around PP bases.
  2. Base attack alert should be more prominent, with flashing red for notification accompanied by a sound akin to a siren.
  3. Geoscape toggle for base visibility: enable toggling of Pandoran lair/citadel, faction cities, PP base, unexplored locations, special mission location, etc. A toggle for the scanned area can also be helpful.
  4. Aircraft management interface to show ETA of arrival, mouse-over location to show time required for travel. Interface can be digitalized for a nicer overall look. The information can be toggled on and off.
  5. Upon encountering power limitation issue in base, a notification popup will appear to offer a link to the base in question directly. E.g. damaged power generator during base defense after reparation should allow either all/most base structure to run again, or at minimal, a popup to remind players to switch on the base structures.

More to be added if I encounter any ideas. The following are slightly off from QoL, but not exactly balancing factor either.

Newly added:

Unit Interface Related

  1. Unit recruitment enables an option to be recruited without gears at a cheaper cost, or with gear at a more expensive cost. This can be tweaked with difficulty setting and will allow a more diverse difficulty variation rather than a mere enemy strength increment.

I totally agree with all your points!



One I’d like to see would be some indicator of the scatter distance for indirect weapons (like the grenade launcher). A white circle on the ground showing the possible scatter radius would help immensely.

Also, unless I’m just missing it (which is completely possible), I’d like to be able to see all of a unit’s stats including derived stats (so things like perception, stealth, melee damage, etc… ).


Ah yes, this was on my mind too, but I forgot about it cos I didn’t get hit by scatter for quite a while :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah the unit status display would totally be good too.

I love these ideas!

I’d also love to see a very clear color change for the overwatch cone designating what areas are being watched and what is not because of cover.

And also a toggle to let me see all of the map areas that I have already scanned. It’s painful to have to land at a spot and select area scan to see the areas I have already scanned in my immediate area, but not elsewhere on the map. Scan coverage is important, it shouldn’t be a chore.


Updated the list into 3 general sections. Hopefully some of these get through and make our gaming experience better.

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Agree with all!

Another suggestion: a tab/list of the recruits available in all the heavens.

You mean like an “easy list” that will guide you to the selected recruit haven upon selection?

Yes, exactly

Cool, I’ll add that in. That’s a good one.

What would that icon do?

what would that mouse over do? You don’t want to confirm with a click?

please no such sounds in the game

This is totally pertient.

Maybe we could have a PC inferface on PC, and a console one on consoles :smiley:

  1. As of now with the exception of veteran players, it takes some time to figure out every faction’s icon. The icon really serve as a small QoL improvement, nothing major.

  2. The current mouse-over class tab in Manufacture tab only shows “Toggle class filter on/off” which really isn’t the most ideal display.

  3. I think you’re mistaken about the siren thing. I don’t mean it to be ongoing until the attack arrives, and it’s only meant for a “touch and go” alarm.

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  • Show the alien prisonner by double clicking on alien containement in base plan screen or add a dedicated tab, it not obvious i have to go in the “personnel” tab to see the list of alien prisonner in order to extract mutagen

  • Personnel tab : show more stats such as perception and accuracy for soldier

  • Geoscape - Aircraft management : Pause system when giving order to aircraft, show ETA for aircraft, good to know that Phoenix base will be attack in 6hours but i wanted to know which aircraft can go back in time atm no easy way to find out with the GUI

  • Geoscape : More filters : show only haven where i may recruit someone, show only haven belonging to a given faction, show only friendly havens, show only havens with a given resource, show only haven with a given structure (eg : elite residence, training center,…)

  • Research tab : too small, result should link to phoenixpedia

  • General : fonts are too big, scrolling each 3 lines to read a research result is boring, tasks list in geoscape view got the same issue sometimes not all the tasks are displayed

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Would this be better if selecting mutagen resource also link to the contained specimen?

Okay this sounds good. How about also a toggle for air crafts with this information in mind?

Hmm I’ll put in an expanded list for Resource Trading List, similar to that of the Recruitment part above.

Font size is a bit tricky for readability. Currently, it’s okay to read. But any smaller it might affect the mood of reading due to how clustered it become with smaller font size.
But that does remind me, is it better if the effect of research be placed on the top instead of after the research information?

Hello my comments in your previous email

Le jeu. 19 déc. 2019 à 16:19, Lorenzo via Snapshot Games Forums snapshotgames@discoursemail.com a écrit :


    December 19


  • Show the alien prisonner by double clicking on alien containement in base plan screen or add a dedicated tab, it not obvious i have to go in the “personnel” tab to see the list of alien prisonner in order to extract mutagen
    Would this be better if selecting mutagen resource also link to the contained specimen?

OK it seems a good way to manage it but honestly i just double clicked on alien containment in base plan screen hoping to see the prisonner list


  • Geoscape - Aircraft management : Pause system when giving order to aircraft, show ETA for aircraft, good to know that Phoenix base will be attack in 6hours but i wanted to know which aircraft can go back in time atm no easy way to find out with the GUI
    Okay this sounds good. How about also a toggle for air crafts with this information in mind?

OK for me


  • Geoscape : More filters : show only haven where i may recruit someone, show only haven belonging to a given faction, show only friendly havens, show only havens with a given resource, show only haven with a given structure (eg : elite residence, training center,…)
    Hmm I’ll put in an expanded list for Resource Trading List, similar to that of the Recruitment part above.

Ok for the recruitment but regarding geoscape filter, the idea to have it on the geoscape is that you are able to figure how far your base/planes are from what you are looking for or you would also have to add 2 more columns to your list : closer base, closer aircraft, or only 1 column giving the ETA for the closer/faster aircraft in a list it is getting complicated just showing the points that fulfill the filter criteria on geoscape does the job i think. Actually anything you could do in a list or in the geoscape screen will be better than what we got at the moment (ie no filter at all)


  • Research tab : too small, result should link to phoenixpedia
  • General : fonts are too big, scrolling each 3 lines to read a research result is boring, tasks list in geoscape view got the same issue sometimes not all the tasks are displayed
    Font size is a bit tricky for readability. Currently, it’s okay to read. But any smaller it might affect the mood of reading due to how clustered it become with smaller font size.

But that does remind me, is it better if the effect of research be placed on the top instead of after the research information?

I agree it is a lot of matter of personnal convenience for instance the mod about task list on geoscape got it right, link fo reference


For the aircraft suggestion, you could just have a time (in hours) hover next to the mouse cursor, when you hover over a point of interest (like said attacked Haven) That way you could guess how long is left before the haven falls (you should still have to use a bit of guess work IMO)

My suggestion is, I’d like to see colour coded message boxes on the Geoscape, for the 4 factions, for things like research and manufactured items etc. Just so you can tell at a glance if it’s info you care about. It would improve recognition of the info at hand (as it can disappear quite quickly)

Love all the other suggestions, especially the recruitment one. Having a list you can look through that directs you to the relevant Haven would be SOOOO much neater. It would also be great if you could look into their gear and random Perks too, before recruiting them (then again, maybe that’s not generated until they’re purchased?)


Got it. Updated with more stuff in it now. I think this might be a huge wall of text soon, probably should add in some sample interface.

Added storage notification into General Interface (9) and Unit Interface(3).

A couple more for combat interface:

  1. When moving soldiers in stealth mode (infiltrators) show where they will be detected by enemy currently visible (like in Xcom2).

  2. When moving soldiers using dash or jetpack also show what enemies they can engage at each position, like with regular movement

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