I’ve heard people (well… youtuber Perun and a couple of random internet comments) talk enormous trash about Propeller Legs. But on the other hand, they seem popular with other players. Correct me if I’m wrong but did Propeller Legs get some sort of buff this year? I mean, if nothing else, +3 mobility. Aside from that their primary use would to be jumping up to higher elevation platforms, stories, terrain, etc without the aid of ladders or stairs. A sort of worse version of xcoms muscle fiber gene mod AKA “jumpy legs”. Do you feel that Propeller Legs or a good, worthwhile bionic or not?
Then there is also the question of what goes best with a Vengeance Torso melee build? The Mirage Legs would fit thematically, both are Synedrion and add stealth and shadowstep is by no means a bad perk at all. But the ideal melee build isn’t an infiltrator, it’s a heavy-assault with a Close Quarters personal perk. It’s an open question, or at least it is for me, exactly what stealth does for non-infiltrator classes. Supposedly you are difficult to spot and cannot be targeted if unspotted (except by AOE) but you do not have the eyeball icon indicating when the enemy has eyes on you or not. Or you could forget stealth and shadowstep altogether and just go with mobility boosting Propeller Legs.