Personal feedback of the new Tutoral (v1.9 - Polaris) - SPOILER

After playing it for a second time (yes, I did it twice :wink: ), here some additional Infos:

  • The order that i can’t remember accurately in the first run:

    1. The first part are the above described 3 missions in a row to introduce some of the tactical behaviours.
    2. After liberating the Phoenix Point base, there is the first introduction to the geoscape, repair the hanger (base management) and unpause the game.
    3. After the repair of the hangar is finished, the first POI (point of interest) appears, introduction to fly around and explore POIs.
    4. The POI is another mission to scavenging resources, the same map as in my first run but different positions of the crates and also a bit different things to scavenge.
    5. After this mission I was told to fly back to the base and after the arrival I had to start the first research, the Atmospheric Analysis. This is the introduction into research, very quick and short, just go to research, start it and then back to geoscape to unpause the game, nothing else to do at this moment. I don’t know if this is enough for new players, on the other side in my opinion this part is pretty intuitive.
    6. After finishing this research I was told to produce one Medkit. It is almost the same procedure as with research, quick and short, simply selecting the production tab and build the one medkit (nothing else is available for production).
    7. After this the whole tutorial is over and the normal game starts.

The time to get all this together is something around 1,5-2 days. Some things could be achieved more efficient without the tutorial but on the other side I got 5 already well trained soldiers (4 missions with not much EXP, but enough to get 3 of them up to level 2 and a good amount SP for each, especially the first two Assaults).

The recruits I got in these two runs had the same names, also the same stats but a bit higher than normal. Their personal perks are distributed randomly, i.e. I got completely different in the second run. It is not possible to change some of the personal settings of the first two Assaults. Only the name, the eye & armor colors and the armor pattern can be changed, the rest is fixed. The other three can be changed in any means.

All in all I found many hints and tips not bad, especially in the tactical section, for me it seems that many parts are covered.
Ohh, the cover system, I think the short explantation for low and high cover is not really clear, it only told me that the soldier is crouching at low cover and that he will step out from high cover but not much about protection. I think the whole protection by obstacles in the line of fire is not that easy to explain. But at least a little warning, for instance that these symbols doesn’t give any fixed protection value, could be given at this point.

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