No digital extras in Epic Complete edition

Is the complete edition supposed to have digital extras like lore ebook, manual? There are no such files in the phoenix point folder and no addon in the Epic store.

I checked the store description, and it is not mentioned, but it used to be there, and I have it. It is as if another game in your library called Phoenix Point Content. Let me know if you have it. If you do not have it I can send it or upload it somewhere. It has 700 MB FYI.

Thanks Valygar! There is no Phoenix point content folder installed. I searched epic store and there is also no item called Phoenix point content. The main installation folder has a docs folder which only has an old backer build pdf guide. I think it is probably a left over from year one version. You can email the files to me, although it would be better if it is uploaded to epic store for all to access. Or maybe place a link in snapshot website for download.

I uploaded it on Google Drive. Here is link: PPDigitalExtras - Google Drive