You do not think things as concept but single elements. My english could fail to explain this kind of idea so I am not sure I can explain myself enough.
You want to have piranha and bulldog as they gives you different type of approaches, as technical elements and you want to have those. You don’t want to lose them when more powerful things came. But you think them as individuals… this is where problem is. I see them as “concepts”. So piranha is a rifle with AP for you, but for me it’s a rifle in “AR with AP” category, concept. So as the game gives me higher tier “AR with AP” and does not make me lose this with other higher tiers weapons, I am totally fine and there is totally no point to be against that.
Piranha: AR with AP
Bulldog: AR with Shred
Piranha 2.0: AR with AP +10 dmg
Bulldog 2.0 : AR with Shred +10 dmg
So, can you tell me what will you lose with this logic? I don’t take your “AR with Shred” mechanic with piranha 2… You lose your weapon, not the tactical option, not the concept… if you are so badly in love with those weapons, this is totally personal feelings…
You all talk about how the faction reputation system is bad because you can easily get friends with everyone. Imagine you just want be with only ally with Synd… by by all the techs from all 2… yeah you can raid maybe 30 times to get their researches… I don’t want play 30+ research stealing missions. I should able to go on from a tech level with my own additions… You got synd lasers? Let me make better ones with my own tech and tiers so I can play my game with one ally…
Could I explain the difference between concept and weapon itself?
I am creator of the X-Division mod for Xenonauts… that mod took about 3+ years to finish… It has 1000+ researches… yeah with 3 zero… with 5 tiers of ballistic-laser-explosive and bionic tech trees including special ones like EMP… You can play it for months as the game always throws you different things… enemies, researches, items, weapons, armors… you need to capture aliens, ufos, special parts from alien bases… You got all the tactical concepts that the game engine allows you to use but same time it has tiers because the aliens improves themselves more and more… People need to code and use 3. party programs to able to see research tree as all the tree charts fails to explain the paths.
Second, this is not Jagged Alliances, this is X-Com type game. Like at a Diablo type game, nobody blames a dev because they put a second sword which is better then other sword, but get angry when a sword can beat all the spear and axes… here at a X-com type game, there should be tiers of concepts and non should beat another clearly as we got at LotA now. This is what I try to explain.
Game is not prepared to have a more powerful weapons as it needs balancing everywhere… This is not the problem as if tier system comes, all the game should be balanced same time anyway…