Hi All,
first of all, I want to say that I like this game a lot, I enjoy playing it most of the time, and new features like aim to body/vehicle parts are great and the number of variations with classes and subs are awesome. Replayability could be outstanding due to different tactics and skills in your teams.
I have played many XCOM style games since X-COM: TFTD, I remember carrying a captured commander inside the backpack to the Evac zone, it was funny, and I never get tired of this genre.
Lately I have been working as QA Tester for other game and I see room for improvements in this one, after playing it a few hundred of hours, “déformation professionnelle” I guess.
In my last playthrough I ended with 3000+ tech/mat/food/mutagen, 30 soldiers… and 100% diplomacy with all the factions, so maybe it’s time to go Hero/Legend.
But some flaws/design decisions are holding me back, fun is fading.
I have a problem with Acid DoT , I can manage Arthrons with grenade launchers, 180 acid is doable, you can save the soldier, but 360(2 grenades) is not, most of the time, but you have to watch their moves or keep a distance, so 2 hits is in on you, 99% of times.
Acid Chirons is a different animal, even with covers in lairs, they can hit you with accuracy, and in those cases you receive 300-400+ acid , it’s too much, you need a technician full time, recovering armour.
On top of that, augmented body parts receive more DoT that regular armors, it’s counterintuitive, and I want to avoid mind control, so they receive bionic improvements.
And the unbalance aspects about skills should be reworked, imho. When you have “Rally The Troops” (I never used it) for several soldiers, added to “Rapid Clearance” and one or two super-soldier assault with shotguns or snipers with “Rage Burst” and “Quick Aim” you have a so called “Terminator”/Alpha team to clear the board so quickly.
Put in the mix a couple of Heavy bombing from a distance and the game is losing the “cover and seek” beauty so quickly.
I would prefer Dash --> 1 time max every turn per solider and Rally The Troops --> 1 time max every turn per team.
And like others said recently here, this is the players reaction to instant Killers like Acid Chirons or massive number of Sirens in the battlefield, so keep the great work, redo and rebalance some aspects and you will have a great XCOM game, honoring the saga