Huge bug in how "hearing" is handled

Mmm that is matching better my exploits against Chiron, one shoot not move, not detected by Chiron at next turn. That said I had a case it was not matching.

All soldiers with top cover but one on roof, never moving, at end he double shot each turn to kill one of bombard Chiron (with AR50 lol who said they are weak? ha ha), he never got bombard.

Frankly all your comments past detection was wrong before last patch. And this case is just one example. the problem is my Legend campaign derail, beside specific aspects of Legend, it is sort of easier than the Easy play. So Bombard Chiron are still very rare and Worms Chiron are harder to observe. And I got only one Gelee Chiron but hadn’t opportunity to test it.

I have low believing with sounds, too complicate, but with los, yes it can be a lot of fun.

It doesn’t change that Chiron need a magic way or a total design change.

Just one Pandoran sees one of your guys and the Chiron will bombard (unless it moved first).

@pantolomin interesting found, thanks. Yea I’m agree about the game would be much creepier if they were handled as intended.

Is there any value in hearing range after you research Motion Detector head mount module?

So you just want remove sounds from the equation? I hardly see the team give up on that.

And for instance, in a scavenging mission, a shooter not moving and shooting a few time twice never get attacked by worm Chiron and perhaps bomb Chiron too. No proof because if most team had top cover, an Infiltrator get targeted by worm Chiron. And the bomb Chiron didn’t survive long after I quoted it. I made a save so I could test but for now didn’t.

From the definition of the Motion Detector, I would say it works like “self defense specialist”.

No, just want them to work as they should. Why can you hear someone walking when there is no one around for at least 20 tiles ? The way they handled hearing is a big mess. They went for an idea and then thought “it’s good enough, our AI needs to cheat anyway to appear good”. But they decided that only abilities could target those “located” spots (AIAbilityPickAvailableTargetConsideration). So Arthrons need line of sight to use their grenade launcher (AIAttackPositionConsideration) but Chirons can bomb you since it is an ability.

Wrong, in fact it was silent because a Triton was wielding it with the silent shooting ability. I haven’t found a silent weapon yet.


In my playthrough I definitely see a difference between firing a crossbow and firing a gun.
I recently had a Lair where my 2 Infiltrators went one way while the rest of the team made like the 4th of July in the other direction.
The Infs were fine against the Chiron, covertly firing their crossbows at anything that strayed too close without triggering a Chiron response, until one of them had to use his Machine Gun. At that point, the Chiron zeroed in on them - but it hadn’t noticed them firing until they used a gun.

The Chiron was not alerted, or he was busy shooting your other guys.
There’s a lot of code in the AI and I’m fed up. I printed the result of “Weapon.IsAttackSilent(actor)” with lots of weapons and it’s always false unless the actor is a triton with the special ability.

I quit. Not motivated to patch the game for this. It’s too much work and I’m constantly interrupted (for good reasons :wink: - family).


Waaah can we have that unlocate start of turn quick fix pretty pleeeezeee :sob:

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It happens…
But please do not quit from everything, just take your time and take it easy.

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Guess I’ll maybe do a little fix, where “located” status is recomputed at start of your turn instead of only decremented. The rest would be unfair for Pandorans.
If you do noise during your turn, they will still be able to locate you even if you’re 10km away from the closest Pandoran.

And also, the fact that dead Pandorans can’t hear you.

I want to do a full Anu run :o).

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Also, consider all the interesting things you could tell your partner when you go to bed after a couple of hours modding.
Something like: “See, honey, a chiron’s perception works this way, I mean, when a chiron…”
She would be amazed, dude :hear_with_hearing_aid:


Clearly need to avoid the subject…

Nice, for me Chiron is a parade against Infiltrators, but yeah with crossbow, I always use some other weapons and keep crossbows for rare case. Next time I’ll try that.

Otherwise once more, shooting and not moving and perhaps not in Chiron los seem worked fine.

Should be also reset on enemy turn, you also have pinpoint locations of enemies out of sight. You have the location of a triton turning invisible as well, which is pretty cheesy as you can just manually fire on the pin.

TBH most of the time the maps are so cramped this is not an issue except for the lairs.

Mmm Chirons could also have a very huge hearing range, it isn’t only because you look at the code.

Before you open the box there was a logic:

  • At first (no alert) sound aren’t identified as enemy sounds.
  • Alert then Chiron identify all allies sounds and know all other sounds are enemies.
  • Chiron hearing is huge so the only chance is stop make sounds or not too much.
  • Shooting only was a way to become unoticed by Chiron.
  • It’s possible that moving and crossbow is another way.

To come back to what you would like, it hurts to a problem, aliens know if a sound is from ally or enemy once the alert is given. It means there’s close to no way to combat and not be detected and then not be detected by a Chiron that was altert. You shot and move back to a no los position, pointless Aliens not too far know you are here and it’s enemy sound. Do that with SR from long range only, lame. At reverse the design to not make too much noise to stop be detected by a Chiron is a lot more interesting.

EDIT: But ok, a pure los design, not including sounds could work rather well too.

Printed that. It’s 5.

In the meantime I did a mod to have recruits generated like on legendary. So they cost only food.
They also come without mutations (even priests where the head was kind of forced), so you can choose whether you want them mutated or not.
An optional properties file can be downloaded to specify exactly how you want them.