And on Anu map with no roof capable of withstanding multiple mortars.
And no “rage burst” heavy ?
Jetpack / war cry to prevent the one on the left from shooting and potentially be out of range from the other one (40 tiles - huge). Bring a max of guys over there and try to finish it next turn.
But yeah, might get difficult to kill the second one while avoiding the Scylla.
Yea that’s exactly the problem. This is way too specific … it’s not about what or how to do, it’s about who to do it with. Abilities are too important, making real ‘choices’ an illusion. The game is leaning towards decision making prior to the battle more than towards actual tactics. This is not limited to chirons on the map, of course.
i think best possible solution for this type of Chiron would be if hitting the abdomen would have a chance to hit the explosives he is carrying inside… so it would be more vulnerable…
Or, just make his shooting 2-turn process, where he would first mark the area where he will fire, then next turn will actually fire the projectile at marked target (so player has chance to avoid/ relocate - would work for AI as area denial against player instead of insta-kill with no chance to avoid in the open)
Third option would be making his shots extremely inaccurate (its a bug “pooping the bombs” how accurate it could be?) so it never hits the same spot with multiple bombs…
if you see other chiron they are inaccurate as hell, last game mission worm chiron trash all his worms into the abyss while the bomber manage to pass the big wall and hit with precision the squad even if scattered.
The mortar Chiron has an ability called Stability Stance which allows it to launch 5 shells with a 50% accuracy buff. You can disable it by disabling one of the rear legs. This has the additional benefit of disabling its standard stance, which reduces its accuracy.
Thats what the evacuation site is there for. There was once I entered a mission with 4 of these badass… I immediately evacuated my team and came back again another day to a different loadout of enemies. You don’t have to fight and win everything in this game. You can always run and come back another day. I find that to be quite realistic.
There are ways to cheese them and there are ways to avoid them. But it’s not fun. One of the issues with avoiding/hiding from them is that you never know for 100% if they can hit you or not. Had cases when team got hit inside of the house because some roof tile was missing. Had cases when team got hit on the opposite side of the wall, just because damn bug could get an angle and do some splash damage. Had cases when these a… would runaway from the map before I could finish them or just stand still for 4 turns and be torn apart because they where not able to shoot at my team standing in the doors and windows of the house.
I don’t think that their damage output or accuracy is the issue here. If you make them less dangerous by lowering accuracy, they still could randomly hit and kill someone. If you make their damage lower, then they might become just an annoying bug that is slightly more dangerous than crabs with grenade launchers.
Imho they need a different behavior. For example:
require a line of sight to make a shot as precise as they have now, so loosing someone from a directed barrage would be a player mistake
without line of sight, they could do an attack with much higher area of effect, more projectiles but proportionally lower damage, so that player still need to deal with a treat in a timely manner
hide behind the armored legs if soft parts are hit with enough damage, so you could keep it from lobbing grenades by doing heavy enough hits on each round, so you could “interact” with it more than just shoot it to pieces or get blown up
ability to break structures as old Armadillo had, so it could run inside of a house and do melee against your camping team, instead of being a laughing stock without any sense of self preservation
add a chance for each mortar to be a dud, so you get some chance of not getting any damage, similar to how sniper can miss by just few cm
Oh, yes, explosive bomb Chirons are annoying. Generally, once you can see it, it’s easy to deal with, but without save scumming, it’s quite bad since you don’t initially know if it’s present and where it is.
I like that (since this approach doesn’t require you to savescum or hug buildings until you get LoS on it), and it still counters the ‘stand&shoot’ strategy. Or make the first shot much weaker (to allow player time to plan a counter)
There’s also a second thing in the game like this, by the way - NJ mounted rockets - you can get a NJ heavy jump on you from beyond LoS and fire off a rocket in the same turn - but there it feels more fair since you only need to survive the initial shot, as you’d kill off that heavy on the next turn anyway, and if you haven’t clustered too much, the damage is repairable.