It took me 68 hours to get through my first playthrough and im looking forward to a whole lot more!
But before I get to the praise, Ive noticed quite a few bugs that can really make Phoenix Point nearly/totally unplayable such as:
<-Reload Bug->
You are unable to reload even though you have ammo in your invintory. I noticed this the most when I was on the last mission and couldnt use half my team because they refused to reload their weapons even though they had nearly full invintory’s of ammo.
<-Stealing Research Bug->
Stealing research from Synedrion is impossible unless you shoot the windows out behind the research desk.
<-Phoenix Defense Bug->
Your vehicles and muto-dogs get trapped behind random boxes and other clutter in the tunnels around your base. It seems to spawn 3 guys infront of the enemy invasion force and the rest of your team at the back of the base behind those stuck vehicles and mutogs making it take 2-4 turns to get your team out to defend almost guaranteeing those first 3 soldiers get mobbed, mindcontrolled and sluaghterd.
<-Line of Sight Bug->
A lot of the time you’ll run a trooper up behind safe cover/half cover to fire at the enemy and all of a sudden he will be unable to see the enemy even though it clearly showed he could see the enemy.
<-Mission Progress Bug->
You will pass a mission and get the rewards but that mission will still be flagged as Active, still appear on the Geoscape but be totally uninteractable with.
<-Pandorans 100% Accurate ?Bug?->
The enemys are 100% accurate every mission, every hour, every second and EvErY ShOt. I dont know if the enemys accuracy is tied to your troopers stealth rating (going to test on this next playthrough) but they never miss under any circumstance. If one of my troopers has the tip of his toe sticking out and a pandoran on the other side of a small map can see him, that trooper is going to die.
Im NOT exaggerating. In all 68 hours the only time ive ever see a Pandoran miss was against an Infiltrator. Human enemys miss at the same rate my soldiers do.
Now, all of this being said, Phoenix Point has to be one of the most fun games ever made. The story is a total 10/10 for me, I had a really hard time breaking away from it because I was so interested in just what exactly was going on. I loved every interaction I had with any of the factions, amazing voice over work! I cant wait to get back to PP so I can see what the other factions have to offer
The sound in this game is totally unreal!! From the music to the Live-Crab-on-a-Plate noise the Syrens make really puts you in the mood. I swear, that click,clack is going to haunt my dreams for a long time. The ungodly, lovecraftian Scylla scream is a close contender. Good god, its unsettling
All of it added together really makes you feel like your in a nearly hopeless situation, fighting a loesing battle against an unspeakable horror.
I feel like this is the Dark Souls of the Tactical Combat genera, both brutal and yet loving and with a much better story. Seriously, I would love to read a few books around the early days of the Mist! I would love to read all about the creeping doom, the subtle changing of everything…of every one…
Good god, you can really tell that this was a labour of love. Thank you for an amazing game!!!