It is possible you
Will look forward to any responses.
Makes you feel powerful is accurate. It gives you literal inexplicable superpowers, with no logic to them. Then it drives your soldiers mad, when you use these super powers, despite there being no reason for that logical or lore. Why is my heavy as worried about his friends dying, as he is about using his jump jets, as both cause -2 WP? Why is a Quick Shot more accurate than a standard one?
I’ve never really had any trouble with willpower, you can recover 4 points of it if you get low enough, but I’ve never had to use that. There are very gamey squares tossed around the map which give you +2 WP, but I ignore those. I don’t feel rewarded by it, and I feel it makes the poorly balanced abilities even worse.
Since I have no WP problems, I’ve only ever upgraded one or two characters WP, by two points. I put all my stat points into abilities and speed. Was going to max out the strength of my melee guys and grenade throwers, after that.
That’s my experience and thoughts on WP. If it works for you, that’s good, as there’s a good chance it’s going to stay that way, despite my protests.
I would strongly prefer if the abilities were rebalanced, and willpower became like a morale stat, as I talk about in a couple of threads. Would be interested in your thoughts.